fliper4o wrote: Mon Dec 25, 2017 8:45 pm
Yeah, anyway. Look what I found:
5-Star Topic RateKit by RateKit Script Author: andfinally / Bootstrap Star Rating jQuery Author: Kartik Visweswaran / Extension Author: kaspir
Personally I'm looking for (IMDb) star rate not threads but just in topic from 1 to 10.
I've got an option with smiles or pics for full star, half star & empty star. Example below - 7 full + 1 half + 2 empty but... it's so lame in my opinion, still tho. Still would like to hear some other ideas.

(I like those stars more)
Why didn't you just ask?! Because Ratekit was designed to store data in a file, it's easy to make changes even as an extension and may also include the postrow.POST_ID to accomplish this without difficult adjustments. Example at the test grounds:
Do, create a new event template named:
and add this code (do not alter the input id! Used 'p#' as a delimiter to POST_ID so no conflict with the TOPIC_ID):
Code: Select all
<dd id="ratekit-ext" class="red ratekit-post"<!-- IF not USE_RATEKIT --> title="{L_RATEKIT_VIEWTOPIC_DISABLED}"<!-- ENDIF -->>
<span class="rateme-postlabel">Rating</span>
<input id="p#{postrow.POST_ID}" class="rating" data-show-label="false" data-size="xs"<!-- IF not USE_RATEKIT --> disabled<!-- ENDIF -->>
<!-- ENDIF -->
Save and upload to,
Purge cache, enjoy.
I did this quickly, I may add this with some more options in a new version. Join our forums conversations. Luckily, I found this page while scanning google months later!