Trying to update Japanese language pack

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Name: Takefumi Tenshima

Trying to update Japanese language pack

Post by tk6904 »


I’m Takefumi, using phpBB 3.2.2 with Japanese language pack.

I’m trying to update the old version of Japanese language pack because the provided Japanese language pack is no longer updated since it’s for PHPBB 3.0.12.

I would like to provide a language pack of my update Version based on 3.0.5 when my translation is finished.

This is the main subject. The contact information of previous contributors might not be available,

- Do I need to contact them if they seem to be retired? and how?
- Can I have protocol support to provide my language pack? (I’m quite newbie on this)

Any help will be appreciated.

Best regards,
Takefumi Tenshima
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Name: Marcus Vinicius

Re: Trying to update Japanese language pack

Post by _Vinny_ »

Here is some information on how to become a translator.

The package maintainer was last online in 2015. You can always contact the Translations & International Support Teams Manager to request information about how to update the package.
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Name: Takefumi Tenshima

Re: Trying to update Japanese language pack

Post by tk6904 »

_Vinny_ wrote: Fri Feb 02, 2018 5:53 am Here is some information on how to become a translator.

The package maintainer was last online in 2015. You can always contact the Translations & International Support Teams Manager to request information about how to update the package.
Hi Marcus,
Sorry for not responding sooner, thank you for the information.

My translation work is on the right track, I will finish in this month if I don’t have any problems on my schedule.

It was quite big work than I thought because of skipping on two major update. So hard but I’m happy that the goal is almost there :)
Takefumi Tenshima

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