Meaning of line in ACP

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Meaning of line in ACP

Post by leschek »

This is a new line in language file en/acp/board.php:

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This will set the <samp>Return-Path</samp> to the from email address instead of using the local user and hostname of the server. This setting does not apply when using SMTP.<br><em><strong>Warning:</strong> Requires the user that the webserver runs as to be added as trusted user to the sendmail configuration.</em>
Can anyone help me understand it, please?

I'm not sure who local user is?

And I really don't understand the warning: Requires the user that the webserver runs as to be added as trusted user to the sendmail configuration
is it mean something like this: Requires the user to add webserver as trusted user to the sendmail configuration?
Now I at least know that some user should add webserver somewhere. I'm still not sure what user and where, but for me it makes better sense.
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Re: Meaning of line in ACP

Post by warmweer »

leschek wrote: Wed Feb 07, 2018 12:35 pm This is a new line in language file en/acp/board.php:
And I really don't understand the warning: Requires the user that the webserver runs as to be added as trusted user to the sendmail configuration
is it mean something like this: Requires the user to add webserver as trusted user to the sendmail configuration?
Now I at least know that some user should add webserver somewhere. I'm still not sure what user and where, but for me it makes better sense.
To tell the truth: I haven't seen that sentence anywhere (I'll look for it later) but it's nonsensical and your guess is as good as mine as to what that means.
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Re: Meaning of line in ACP

Post by Brf »

warmweer wrote: Thu Feb 08, 2018 6:21 pm I haven't seen that sentence anywhere
'EMAIL_FORCE_SENDER_EXPLAIN' => 'This will set the <samp>Return-Path</samp> to the from email address instead of using the local user and hostname of the server. This setting does not apply when using SMTP.<br><em><strong>Warning:</strong> Requires the user that the webserver runs as to be added as trusted user to the sendmail configuration.</em>',
I am assuming it means the login user that PHP is running-as.
It looks like it is telling you that if you do not use SMTP and do not set the "force sender", that the "From" address would be the PHP login user.
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Re: Meaning of line in ACP

Post by warmweer »

Brf wrote: Thu Feb 08, 2018 6:38 pm ...
I am assuming it means the login user that PHP is running-as.
It looks like it is telling you that if you do not use SMTP and do not set the "force sender", that the "From" address would be the PHP login user.
I'm no native English speaker but I usually get by, but not in this case. I've mailed this sentence to a native English speaker and to a teacher (English language).(the phpBB sentence, not yours ;) )
It turns out that they can't get their bearings in any part of that sentence.
Now that I've seen where that comes from (the 'EMAIL_FORCE_SENDER_EXPLAIN') I understand why I can't remember having seen that - because I haven't (The formulation in the translated languages files (Dutch, Spanish - Castillian, French, German, Portugese)is clear and understandable and there was no need to have a look at the English version).

Seriously: was this proofread? That sentence must have been written at a very strange moment (can happen to anyone) and mistakes can happen but once noticed they should be corrected and I seriously think somebody from the phpBB team should rephrase this.
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Re: Meaning of line in ACP

Post by Brf »

It makes sense to me, but I probably would have punctuated it a little differently. Probably put quotes around "From", as I did in my explanation. Also it is a little easier to read with hyphenated local-user, runs-as, and trusted-user.
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Re: Meaning of line in ACP

Post by Lumpy Burgertushie »

Requires the user that the webserver runs as to be added as trusted user to the sendmail configuration.</em>',
the web server runs as a certain user with a username. similar to how your home computer has a main user account with a username.

in this case. that webserver account username must be added as a "trusted user" to the sendmail configuration. I would assume that a "trusted user"
in this case is the same thing as a a "trusted user" in windows. it is a type of user account.

I admit, it took me a few times of reading it to understand what it is saying.

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Re: Meaning of line in ACP

Post by warmweer »

Brf wrote: Thu Feb 08, 2018 7:49 pm It makes sense to me, but I probably would have punctuated it a little differently. Probably put quotes around "From", as I did in my explanation. Also it is a little easier to read with hyphenated local-user, runs-as, and trusted-user.
OK, I accept that it makes sense to you, and since reading your previous reply, I can now analyse the sentence better (gramatically it remains wrong whichever way you look at it, even with the quotes and hyphen improvements).
The thing is you are really experienced with phpBB and can probably dream 80% or more of phpBB and may not look at this as objectively as possible (no insult intended, it's almost inavoidable and natural). I can't (not even with 15 years under the belt) and I'm sure most non-English speakers will also read it 3 times before realising it comes fairly close to gibberish (a conclusion a native English speaker will probably reach on first reading).

Look at it from the perspective of new phpBB users, many of them not native English speakers and many of them relatively new to php. (an argument that they should reading in their own language isn't valid since that phrase can't be translated correctly)
My (humble) suggestion is to have that line rephrased.
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Re: Meaning of line in ACP

Post by Lumpy Burgertushie »

the problem is that unless you understand the underlying technology, you wouldn't understand the sentence no matter how you rephrased it.

I don't really see a need for the sentence in the first place. it is not something your average user would ever need to know about and not something that your average user will have any access to make any changes anyway.

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Re: Meaning of line in ACP

Post by 3Di »

That's the commit, ... b30c858885
for those they speak PHP/phpBB is pretty clear what it does and therefore what has been tried to explain.

If you have a better wording === 'create a PR' :)
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Re: Meaning of line in ACP

Post by Brf »

Lumpy Burgertushie wrote: Thu Feb 08, 2018 9:04 pm I don't really see a need for the sentence in the first place. it is not something your average user would ever need to know about and not something that your average user will have any access to make any changes anyway.
I have seen support topics here complaining that the "From" address on board emails has an unexpected username. I am assuming this setting is trying to fix that.,
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Re: Meaning of line in ACP

Post by leschek »

Thanks everybody for replies. It is interesting discussion.
In case someone is interested I translated the sentence:
Requires the user that the webserver runs as to be added as trusted user to the sendmail configuration
It is required that the webserver user is added as a trusted user to the sendmail configuration.
I hope it's correct.

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