[ABD] Ticket Tracker

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Re: [3.2][DEV] Trackers

Post by donsenilo »

kinerity wrote: Fri Apr 20, 2018 11:26 pm A little sneak peak (click for full size). ;)
Hmm ... sorry ! I don't get it ... or I'm obviously to stupid :?
I have nothing like "Bug Tracker" in the menue and also nothing in ACP where I can change options ...
I have only a new entry called "Trackers" with the same entries like in quicklaunch.
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Re: [3.2][DEV] Ticket Tracker

Post by Kailey »

There are no options yet. You should only be using this for testing and only if you know what you're doing. Otherwise, please wait.
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Re: [3.2][DEV] Ticket Tracker

Post by nou nou »

Every time I see any activity on that Github repo my nerdy heart does a little jump :D
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Re: [3.2][DEV] Ticket Tracker

Post by durangod »

This is such a great idea and we need this bad for our new forum.. Do you have an expectation on your roadmap when this might be available as an official extension in the extensions directory?

Thanks :)
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Re: [3.2][DEV] Ticket Tracker

Post by Kailey »

durangod wrote: Sat Sep 15, 2018 3:22 pm Do you have an expectation on your roadmap when this might be available as an official extension in the extensions directory?
There is currently no time frame. You can follow the GitHub repository for updates. I'll obviously keep everyone updated.
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Re: [3.2][DEV] Ticket Tracker

Post by durangod »

I didnt see anything on the user menu and nothing in ACP... is it to where we can assign project yet?

So i created a project manually in the DB

projectid 1
trackerid 1
name name of project
private 0
active 1

and was able to pull it up on the board side and looks good..

so i created a second project in the db

projectid 2
trackerid 1
name name of project
private 0
active 1

so far so good.... nice work

so for those that want to set up data manually until its developed further here is basically how it works so far that i have learned..

you have the project id which is autoincrement, each project id needs to have a tracker id which is one of 4 choices which is outlined in the trackers trackers table.... so for the project tracker id youll choose 1 - incident 2- security tracker 3- bug tracker 4- feature tracker

so if you have one project then you will have 4 project records for that one project.

:) once i get the data loaded i want to see what it will do, because all we need is minimal function and we will be fine until its dev further.

update here is the query i have been running, i have two projects but ill describe how you do one with this.... just change the second value to 1 2 3 or 4 and then change the text for name and description and note and execute... you need 4 records per project so run this 4 times.

INSERT INTO `phpbb_trackers_project` (`project_id`, `tracker_id`, `project_name`, `project_description`, `project_note`, `project_private`, `project_active`) VALUES
(NULL, '1', 'Incidents Open Source', 'This is for incidents regarding our free open source project', 'Please keep others involved in what you are working on. ', '0', '1');

just remember to change the second value and also the text... and thats it... on the name field you need to fit it to one line only because that is all that will display in the user side.
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Re: [3.2][DEV] Ticket Tracker

Post by durangod »

well i was keeping my fingers crossed that once i got the basic data input for the project, ticket, and severity i would be able to atleast post replies so we could use this as is...

But its not to be, its a long long way from completion but you are on the right track sir... (pardon the pun) i love the layout and the simplicity of the DB design. nice work.... if i knew more about phpbb controllers and their classes i could help but i know nothing about that with phpbb... so ill deactivate it for now and just wish you the best of luck with your project :)

happy days may your coding be true and your bugs few... dave
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Re: [3.2][DEV] Ticket Tracker

Post by Kailey »

durangod wrote: Sat Sep 15, 2018 7:21 pm well i was keeping my fingers crossed that once i got the basic data input for the project, ticket, and severity i would be able to atleast post replies so we could use this as is...

But its not to be, its a long long way from completion
Which is why it is listed as [DEV] right now.
durangod wrote: Sat Sep 15, 2018 7:21 pm sir
I'm female as an FYI. :)
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Re: [3.2][DEV] Ticket Tracker

Post by durangod »

Sorry about that, i was typing a bunch of letters today and i guess i just got in the habbit of using sir.... no offense intended.. :)

I will say what you have done so far is really good. It all works until it gets to the reply with the data loaded manually... nice job
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Re: [3.2][DEV] Ticket Tracker

Post by Kailey »

I haven't forgot about this extension. A little sneak peek at what I've been working on during my free time. :D

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Re: [3.2][DEV] Ticket Tracker

Post by nou nou »

Oh yay!

(Patiently awaiting GitHub commits... ;))
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Re: [3.2][DEV] Ticket Tracker

Post by lozu »

Nicely done! I was thinking if we have 2 sections like the pinned post feature in phpbb where the pinned section would be resolved and the bottom section would be unresolved. Or have the pinned section as the important ticket and so on?
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Re: [3.2][DEV] Ticket Tracker

Post by pikachuturkey »

Turkish (tr) translation for "[3.2][DEV] Ticket Tracker" version " 0.0.1-dev" (21.11.2018 github version)


Code: Select all

 * Trackers extension for the phpBB Forum Software package
 * @copyright (c) 2018, kinerity, https://www.layer-3.org
 * @license GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPL-2.0)
if (!defined('IN_PHPBB'))
if (empty($lang) || !is_array($lang))
	$lang = array();
// All language files should use UTF-8 as their encoding and the files must not contain a BOM.
// Placeholders can now contain order information, e.g. instead of
// 'Page %s of %s' you can (and should) write 'Page %1$s of %2$s', this allows
// translators to re-order the output of data while ensuring it remains correct
// You do not need this where single placeholders are used, e.g. 'Message %d' is fine
// equally where a string contains only two placeholders which are used to wrap text
// in a url you again do not need to specify an order e.g., 'Click %sHERE%s' is fine
// Some characters you may want to copy&paste:
// ’ » “ ” …
$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
	'ACTION_PERFORMED'		=> 'İşlemi uygulayan:',
	'ALL_CLOSED_TICKETS'	=> 'Tüm kapalı biletler',
	'ALL_OPEN_TICKETS'		=> 'Tüm açık biletler',
	'ALL_TICKETS'			=> 'Tüm biletler',
	'ASSIGNED_TO'			=> 'Atanan',
	'BUTTON_NEW_TICKET'	=> 'Yeni Bilet',
	'COMMENTS'	=> 'Yorumlar',
	'COMPONENT'	=> 'İçerik',
	'DESCRIPTION'		=> 'Tanım',
	'DUPLICATES'		=> 'Bu biletin kopyaları',
	'DUPLICATES_OTHER'	=> 'Şunun kopyaları #',
	'FILTER_STATUS'		=> 'Şu an gösteriliyor',
	'FILTER_TICKETS'	=> 'Biletleri filtrele',
	'HISTORY'	=> 'Tarihçe',
	'LAST_REP_VISIT'	=> 'Last reporter visit',
	'LOCKED'			=> 'kilitli',
	'LOGIN_REQUIRED'	=> 'Bu sayfaya erişebilmek için giriş yapmalısınız. Giriş bilgilerinizi aşağıya girin veya hesap oluşturmak için "Kayıt Ol" linkine tıklayın.',
	'MY_TICKETS'		=> 'Bana atanan biletler',
	'MY_TICKETS_GROUPS'	=> 'Bana ve grubuma atanan biletler',
	'NO_COMMENTS'	=> 'Hiç yorum yapılmadı ve hiç bir tarihçe girdisi yok.',
	'NO_PROJECT'	=> 'İstenen proje mevcut değil.',
	'NO_PROJECTS'	=> 'Bu izleyici için proje mevcut değil.',
	'NO_TICKET'		=> 'İstenen bilet mevcut değil.',
	'NO_TICKETS'	=> 'Bu proje için herhangi bir bilet mevcut değil.',
	'NO_TRACKER'	=> 'İstenen izleyici mevcut değil.',
	'OF_TICKET'	=> 'of #',
	'POSTED_BY'		=> 'Gönderen',
	'POST_TICKET'	=> 'Yeni bir bilet gönder',
	'POSTS_TOTAL'	=> array(
		0	=> '0 gönderi',
		1	=> '1 gönderi',
		2	=> '%d gönderi',
	'PRIVATE'		=> 'özel',
	'PROJECT'		=> 'Proje',
	'PROJECT_NAME'	=> 'Proje adı',
	'REPORTED_BY'	=> 'Raporlayan:',
	'REPORTED_FROM'	=> 'Şuradan Raporlandı:',
	'REPORTED_ON'	=> 'Rapor tarihi:',
	'SEARCH_TRACKER'	=> 'Bu izleyiciyi ara',
	'SEND_PM'			=> 'ÖM gönder',
	'SEVERITY'			=> 'Önemlilik',
	'STATISTICS'		=> 'İzleyici istatistikleri',
	'STATUS'			=> 'Durum',
	'TICKET'			=> 'Bilet',
	'TICKET_DETAILS'	=> 'Bilet detayları',
	'TICKET_ID'			=> 'Bilet IDsi',
	'TICKETS_TOTAL'		=> array(
		0	=> '0 bilet',
		1	=> '1 bilet',
		2	=> '%d bilet',
	'TITLE'				=> 'Başlık',
	'TRACKER_EXPLAIN'	=> 'Lütfen aşağıdan açmak istediğiniz projeyi seçiniz.',
	'TRACKER_PRIVATE'	=> 'Not: Bu izleyiciye gönderilen gönderimler gizli; sadece siz ve takım üyeleri belirtilen izleyiciye erişerek bilgileri görebilirler.',
	'TRACKERS'			=> 'İzciler',
	'UNASSIGNED'	=> '(atanmadı)',
	'UNCATEGORISED'	=> '(kategorize edilmedi)',
	'UNKNOWN'		=> '(bilinmiyor)',
	// History language vars
	'ASSIGNED_TICKET_GROUP'	=> 'Bilet gruba atandı',
	'ASSIGNED_TICKET_USER'	=> 'Bilet kullanıcıya atandı',
	'CHANGED_TICKET_SEVERITY'	=> 'Bilet önemliliğini şu seviyeden değiştirildi:',
	'CHANGED_TICKET_STATUS'		=> 'Bilet durumu şu kiriterden değiştirildi:',
	'EDITED_POST'	=> 'Düzenlenmiş gönderi #',
	'EDITED_TICKET'	=> 'Düzenlenmiş bilet',
	'MOVED_TICKET'	=> 'Bilet projeden taşındı',
	'SET_UNASSIGNED'	=> 'Bileti "atanmadı" olarak ayarla',
	// Ticket options
	'ASSIGN_TICKET'	=> 'Bileti ata',
	'EDIT_TICKET'	=> 'Bileti düzenle',
	'MOVE_TICKET'	=> 'Bileti taşı',
	'SET_TICKET_STATUS'	=> 'Bilet durumunu ayarla',
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Re: [3.2][DEV] Ticket Tracker

Post by Kailey »

lozu wrote: Wed Nov 21, 2018 4:02 am Nicely done! I was thinking if we have 2 sections like the pinned post feature in phpbb where the pinned section would be resolved and the bottom section would be unresolved. Or have the pinned section as the important ticket and so on?
Unfortunately that's not how the tracker works. The dropdown is where you select what type of tickets you want to see. There are no "pinned posts" or "pinned section". If you want to mark a ticket as important, there will be an option in the ticket to set the severity.
pikachuturkey wrote: Wed Nov 21, 2018 5:57 am Turkish (tr) translation for "[3.2][DEV] Ticket Tracker" version " 0.0.1-dev" (21.11.2018 github version)
Please hold off on translations for now as the structure of the language files will most definitely be changing. I don't want you to do work for nothing. :P
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Re: [3.2][DEV] Ticket Tracker

Post by Kailey »

I've finished the statistics portion of the extension. The only thing I want to add is the ability to pick a month to show statistics for (instead of just the current month). Am currently thinking of ways to incorporate this without killing the design.
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