Move up text " Mark forums read"

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Move up text " Mark forums read"

Post by abcd2014 »

I want to move up text "Mark forums read" to the same line as (after or before) text "It is currently Fri Mar 02, 2018 7:51 pm"

Can I do it?
How if yes?


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Lumpy Burgertushie
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Re: Move up text " Mark forums read"

Post by Lumpy Burgertushie »

it is not quite that simple. first, that line of text is different depending on whether the viewer is logged in or not.
also, if you make this change in the template file then you have to remember to do it again every time you update phpbb.
or, you have to create a custom style just for this one little change.

I would suggest that you don't bother, nobody but you will care about this or even know that you made this change.

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Re: Move up text " Mark forums read"

Post by abcd2014 »

"I would suggest that you don't bother, nobody but you will care about this or even know that you made this change."

You are 100% right.
I laugh at myself.



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