First thing, I am using swedish language for my forum.
There's a translation string for SEND_EMAIL (used for submit button) but none for SEND_PM what I can see.
So what is happening is that SUBMIT is used instead (which makes sense in English)
In order to try explain what is happening, in English vs. Swedish. I'll list some examples here:
Send PM = Post (Should be Send) (In Swedish it would be Skicka(Send) or Posta(Post) ... )
Post new forum thread = Post (Default is Submit, which makes sense in English) (In Swedish Posta)
Save settings = Submit - Works in English, but not in Swedish (It would've made better sense if Save (Save settings) was used. In Swedish (Spara).
That is just a few "button translations" I've found so far, could well be some more...
I don't mind hacking the files in order for this to work. i.e. add more buttons, but in what files do I need to make the changes?
language/sv/common.php is one (to add the translation strings), what other files to hack? ucp.php?
As a request, would it be possible to make a request for SEND_PM and SAVE_SETTINGS to be added into a future release of phpBB?
Thanks a mill in advance for any and all help and/or suggestions!