Is index.htm optional or not?

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Is index.htm optional or not?

Post by scootergrisen »

On ... it says "index.htm (optional)" like translations dont need to have index.htm files.

But on ... it says "All folders must contain an index.htm file".

So i guess one should be corrected.
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Re: Is index.htm optional or not?

Post by Crizzo »


put in every "new" and "your" folder an index.htm file, like shown in the guidelines.

E.g.: language/<iso>/index.htm

Please don't include an index.htm file, where the original package already has one. Like language/index.htm

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Re: Is index.htm optional or not?

Post by scootergrisen »

Crizzo wrote: Fri Mar 30, 2018 5:15 pm Please don't include an index.htm file, where the original package already has one. Like language/index.htm
Did you write that correctly?
There is no language/index.htm in the british english language pack.

If it says "All folders must contain an index.htm file." and this is not the case then i suggest changing the text.
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Re: Is index.htm optional or not?

Post by Crizzo »

I meant the complete package, which includes those index.htm files.

But yes, I need to improve the wording there.
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Re: Is index.htm optional or not?

Post by scootergrisen »

I see ... ortuguese/ have two index.htm files that british english does not have:
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Re: Is index.htm optional or not?

Post by Lumpy Burgertushie »

if you are talking about functionality then you don't need the index.htm files anywhere in phpbb.
the only reason they are there is to keep people from being able to view the contents of a directory. with the blank index.htm or index.html or even a blank index.php file, it will not list the contents. without one of them in place a viewer can go to that directory and view all its contents in the browser.

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Re: Is index.htm optional or not?

Post by scootergrisen »

From a translators point of view i dont need the index.htm files at all but lets just say we have to temporaly to fix something.

So we have index.htm in:
But not in:
That does not seem to make sense.

The en/language/help foldes also does not have a index.htm.

If i download both phpBB3.2.2 and the british language pack for 3.2.2 and compare with phpbb3.2.2 the language folder contains a index.htm file but the language pack does not.
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Re: Is index.htm optional or not?

Post by Lumpy Burgertushie »

the index.htm page is just a blank page. it not needed at all in any folder of phpbb. it is just put in some of them ( not sure why not all of them ) as a way to keep people from being able to just see the list of all the files in that folder.

unless it is a requirement by the translation group then don't worry about it.

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Re: Is index.htm optional or not?

Post by scootergrisen »

I hope they can be removed from the files translators have to deal with because they dont contain translations.
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Re: Is index.htm optional or not?

Post by Lumpy Burgertushie »

what does that mean? having a index file in the language folder is not a problem. you do not have to deal with it at all.
if there is one, leave it there or if there isn't one , forget about it or copy one and put it in the folder or whatever. it just does not make any difference at all.

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Re: Is index.htm optional or not?

Post by scootergrisen »

It means as a translator i dont need to get files that does not involve translation.
Just like the stylesheet.css file. I dont need it as a translator.
Or the LICENSE file. I dont need it as a translator.

I now see on ... ion-policy it says "Concerning the LICENSE file, it is automatically added during the upload process".

Well it this is the case for the LICENSE file why could it not be the case for other files like the index.htm files etc.
That way the translators only have the files they need to translate.
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Re: Is index.htm optional or not?

Post by canonknipser »

As a translator, you can simply ignore all files which are not .php-files (and iso.txt, of course)

The index.html (and .htaccess) in every phpBB-Foolder are, as you where told before, used to prevent directory browsing on servers which have directory listing enabled by default.
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