iso.txt - no links allowed

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iso.txt - no links allowed

Post by scootergrisen »

Its unclear to me if its allowed to write domainnames on the third line in the iso.txt file.

I read on ... eisoisotxt it says:
Author(-group) information (Plaintext only, no links allowed)
Then i check the language packs and it seems lots of them use a domain name on the third line in the iso.txt file.

I guess any text is not a link until you make it a link like:

Code: Select all

Code: Select all

<a href=""></a>
But maybe make it more clear what is allowed/not allowed.

Author(-group) information (Plaintext only)
Author(-group) information (No HTML markup allowed)
Author(-group) information (Plaintext only, no URL/domain name)

Or something like that.

Here are a few examples from the languages packs iso.txt files:

Code: Select all

Tiếng Việt
zelonght (

Code: Select all

македонски јазик

Code: Select all

GunChleoc is akerbeltz

Code: Select all

Also where is the text on the third line used in phpBB?
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Re: iso.txt - no links allowed

Post by canonknipser »

It's a plain text file, and plain text doesn't know about links.
I guess you can write web addresses, but they are not converted into links.
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Re: iso.txt - no links allowed

Post by scootergrisen »

It says "no links allowed".
So how would you write a link?
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Re: iso.txt - no links allowed

Post by Lumpy Burgertushie » is not a link. is a link
<a href=""> your link </a> is a html link
[url=]your link[/url] is a bbcode link

I have no idea what happens when you put a link in the iso.txt file but if the instructions say no links allowed. I think I would not put any in there.

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Re: iso.txt - no links allowed

Post by scootergrisen »

Ok so the gaelic iso.txt does not follow this rule.
I suggested to remove the http:// part: ... 6?p=626551
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Re: iso.txt - no links allowed

Post by Lumpy Burgertushie »

what is your question here? exactly what are trying to do?

why are you worrying about which iso txt files have links and which ones do not.?

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Re: iso.txt - no links allowed

Post by scootergrisen »

Trying to improve translations and the instructions that says how to translate.
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Re: iso.txt - no links allowed

Post by canonknipser »

Maybe there is a URL in a txt file, but it is not a link - a (hyper)link per common understanding you can click etc. to open a web address (see wikipedia <- this is a link, because you can click it in your browser and it leads you to a URL):
"In computing, a hyperlink, or simply a link, is a reference to data that the reader can directly follow either by clicking, tapping, or hovering."

In a txt- file, you simply have a URL in text form which you can't click etc. You need to copy and paste it to a program that interprets URLs and transform them into a link. Those programs are eg. web-browsers or some more comfortable editors.

Lumpy Burgertushie wrote: Sun Apr 01, 2018 11:29 pm is not a link. is a link
<a href=""> your link </a> is a html link
[url=]your link[/url] is a bbcode link
Nothing in your post is a link, because you can't click it (intentionally because you put them in [c]-Tags ;) :mrgreen:

If you don't put them in tags, phpBB magically transforms URL into link whenever possible
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Re: iso.txt - no links allowed

Post by Lumpy Burgertushie »

yes, I know. that was the point. had I just typed it then the whole post would not have made any sense to him.

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Re: iso.txt - no links allowed

Post by scootergrisen »

Where is the text on the third line used in phpBB?
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Re: iso.txt - no links allowed

Post by Lumpy Burgertushie »

scootergrisen wrote: Mon Apr 02, 2018 6:18 pm Where is the text on the third line used in phpBB?
you can't use it in a post but it is used for any and all links in all of the template files of the styles.

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Re: iso.txt - no links allowed

Post by canonknipser »

Take a look in the acp:
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