Instructions on how to update a translation

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Instructions on how to update a translation

Post by scootergrisen »

I can't find any instructions on how to update phpBB translations.
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Re: Instructions on how to update a translation

Post by Crizzo »


I don't get what you expect from those instructions?

Usually you just get the translation-updates, similar to those for the file-updates: viewtopic.php?f=591&t=2428791 and with that information you can update your translation.

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Re: Instructions on how to update a translation

Post by scootergrisen »

How would new translations know what to do unless there are instructions?
Should this not be mentioned on ?
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Re: Instructions on how to update a translation

Post by Crizzo »


the information are posted in the Translators-Forum, here on and all that stuff.

How to update the translation is not of high importance for new people, who want to apply as a translator. Because there are mainly two possibilities:
  • The language package does not exist, so the new applicant needs to translate everything from scratch
  • The translation is already there, so there are existing translators and they will introduce the news translator into their process
Or am I missing a thing?
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Re: Instructions on how to update a translation

Post by scootergrisen »

Why not just write the instructions on a page and all people can follow those instructions instead of each translator have to explain to another translator.

I dont think there are translators for all translations.
Some translations have not been updated for years.
On some pages it says "Warning: The author of this contribution does not provide support for it anymore." like on ... onorifics/

It seem 25 out of 55 language packs are updated to 3.2.2.
Maybe instructions would help improve that.

I work on translating other software and alot of projects have a contribute page or similar page that could say how to download, translate, submit, update translations.
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Re: Instructions on how to update a translation

Post by Crizzo »

Can you provide an example how such an instruction would look like for an update?
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Re: Instructions on how to update a translation

Post by scootergrisen »

I dont mean an update.
But updating a translation in general.

Like if the software was using POT/PO format for translations it might say:

New translation:
To start a new translation for a language that does not exists download the POT file and ...

Updatering existing translation:
To update a translation that already exists first get in contact with current translator ... then download the latest POT from ... and use that to update your PO file ... when this is down translate the new strings ... and submit your new translation

Submit translation:
To submit your translation do ...

Also i would like info about how to get info about a new release so i can know when there is string freeze and how long i have to update the translation. It would be nice to have the new translation ready at the same time of the phpBB instead phpBB getting a release and then people have to wait for the language pack. The info is properly there somewhere put it would be nice to gather it on the same page.

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