[solved] Error No route found for GET /index.html, and logo lost

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[solved] Error No route found for GET /index.html, and logo lost

Post by RobKi »

Support Request Template
What version of phpBB are you using? phpBB 3.1.10
What is your board's URL? https://www.spoornul.nl/forum/index.php
Who do you host your board with? https://www.budgetwebhosting.nl/site
How did you install your board? I used the download package from phpBB.nl
What is the most recent action performed on your board? Update from a previous version of phpBB3
Is registration required to reproduce this issue? No
Do you have any MODs installed? No
Do you have any extensions installed? No
What version of phpBB3 did you update from? phpBB 3.1.9
What styles do you currently have installed? Prosilver
What language(s) is your board currently using? Nederlands (that's Dutch)
Which database type/version are you using? MariaDB
What is your level of experience? Comfortable with PHP and phpBB
What actions did you take (updating your board; installing a MOD, style or extension; etc.) prior to this problem becoming noticeable? Downloaded the 3.1.10 package from phpbb.nl to my system, unpacked the zip, deleted config.php, /files, /images, /store and /ext, then FTP'd everything else to the forum root (spoornul.nl/forum/). Navigated to .../install and ran the database updater, everything fine when I directly accessed the forum via spoornul.nl/forum/index.php.
Please describe your problem. (1)Users who navigate to www.spoornul.nl are redirected to www.spoornul.nl/forum, a setting which I made on cPanel and which has worked well for the past few years. The redirect still works, but at the url www.spoornul.nl/forum/index.html they are shown an error message "No route found for "GET /index.html". Clicking on the Forum index link takes the user to /forum/index.php, which functions OK.
(2) The custom forum logo has disappeared, although it was still present immediately after the update.

I suspect there is an unwanted interaction between the cPanel Redirect, the new .htaccess file (there are two, one in the domain root and one in /forum), and the URL Rewrite setting in the forum ACP.

I would like to get rid of the "No route found for GET /index.html" message. I am aware that this problem has been discussed earlier,
but none of the solutions given there appear to be working for me. Your views would be appreciated.

Edit: the lost logo has been fixed. Easy with these instructions.
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Last edited by RobKi on Tue May 01, 2018 8:31 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Error No route found for GET /index.html, and logo lost

Post by Brf »

RobKi wrote: Mon Apr 30, 2018 11:04 am at the url www.spoornul.nl/forum/index.html they are shown an error message "No route found for "GET /index.html".
They should be.
phpBB does not have an index.html.
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Re: Error No route found for GET /index.html, and logo lost

Post by Mick »

Cookie secure should be enabled if you’re using SSL. I also note if I browse to your board which includes /index.php all works as expected but if I leave /index.php off the link it doesn’t resolve. Can you post the contents of your .htaccess in code tags please?
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Re: Error No route found for GET /index.html, and logo lost

Post by RobKi »

Here are the contents of the .htaccess file, Mick:

Code: Select all

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine on

# Uncomment the statement below if URL rewriting doesn't
# work properly. If you installed phpBB in a subdirectory
# of your site, properly set the argument for the statement.
# e.g.: if your domain is test.com and you installed phpBB
# in http://www.test.com/phpBB/index.php you have to set
# the statement RewriteBase /phpBB/
#RewriteBase /

# Uncomment the statement below if you want to make use of
# HTTP authentication and it does not already work.
# This could be required if you are for example using PHP via Apache CGI.
#RewriteRule .* - [E=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%{HTTP:Authorization},L]

# The following 3 lines will rewrite URLs passed through the front controller
# to not require app.php in the actual URL. In other words, a controller is
# by default accessed at /app.php/my/controller, but can also be accessed at
# /my/controller
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ app.php [QSA,L]

# If symbolic links are not already being followed,
# uncomment the line below.
# http://anothersysadmin.wordpress.com/2008/06/10/mod_rewrite-forbidden-403-with-apache-228/
#Options +FollowSymLinks

# With Apache 2.4 the "Order, Deny" syntax has been deprecated and moved from
# module mod_authz_host to a new module called mod_access_compat (which may be
# disabled) and a new "Require" syntax has been introduced to mod_authz_host.
# We could just conditionally provide both versions, but unfortunately Apache
# does not explicitly tell us its version if the module mod_version is not
# available. In this case, we check for the availability of module
# mod_authz_core (which should be on 2.4 or higher only) as a best guess.
<IfModule mod_version.c>
	<IfVersion < 2.4>
		<Files "config.php">
			Order Allow,Deny
			Deny from All
		<Files "common.php">
			Order Allow,Deny
			Deny from All
	<IfVersion >= 2.4>
		<Files "config.php">
			Require all denied
		<Files "common.php">
			Require all denied
<IfModule !mod_version.c>
	<IfModule !mod_authz_core.c>
		<Files "config.php">
			Order Allow,Deny
			Deny from All
		<Files "common.php">
			Order Allow,Deny
			Deny from All
	<IfModule mod_authz_core.c>
		<Files "config.php">
			Require all denied
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Re: Error No route found for GET /index.html, and logo lost

Post by RobKi »

I tried a workaround. I changed the redirect on the server using cPanel so that it no longer points to the /forum/ folder - which assumes the redirection is to /forum/index.html. Instead I've made it specific, redirecting the visitor to where I want them to go:
https://www.spoornul.nl/forum/index.php .

So far, no results. The error message still appears, although that might be a cache effect somewhere along the chain.
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Re: Error No route found for GET /index.html, and logo lost

Post by Brf »

Where is this index.html coming from?
Perhaps your server's directoryindex default does not contain index.php.
If you cannot find that in your server setting in cpanel, you might have to set it in your top-level htaccess.
I was thinking that was something like this:

Code: Select all

DirectoryIndex index.php index.html index.htm 
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Re: Error No route found for GET /index.html, and logo lost

Post by RobKi »

Brf wrote: Tue May 01, 2018 12:10 pm Where is this index.html coming from?
That's what I was wondering, too. The strange thing is that this error message is served up by the board, so the redirect works, but then the board itself appears to look for an index.html, which as you say has no business with phpbb at all.
Brf wrote: Tue May 01, 2018 12:10 pm Perhaps your server's directoryindex default does not contain index.php.
If you cannot find that in your server setting in cpanel, you might have to set it in your top-level htaccess.
I was thinking that was something like this:

Code: Select all

DirectoryIndex index.php index.html index.htm 
Bingo! Tried that, flushed all my caches, and www.spoornul.nl now redirects the user to the forum's index.php page. Thanks everybody for your input.

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