And also the message[phpBB Debug] "str_repeat(): Second argument has to be greater than or equal to 0" in file /home/content/28/9521728/html/brb/phpbb/path_helper.php on line 239
I can log into the ACP and seeNo route found for "GET ate" (from " ... 3199a5cd49")
Database server: MySQL 5.0.96-log
PHP version: 5.6.27
Board version: 3.1.9 [ Re-Check version ]
I'm using the .htaccess that came with the current download.
Hosting is GoDaddy but I installed this myself over ten years ago.
Here's my config.php:
// phpBB 3.0.x auto-generated configuration file
// Do not change anything in this file!
$dbms = 'mysql'; //database type it may not be mysql
$dbhost = '*******';
$dbport = '';
$dbname = '*******';
$dbuser = '*******';
$dbpasswd = '*******';
$table_prefix = 'phpbb_';
$acm_type = 'file';
$load_extensions = '';
@define('PHPBB_INSTALLED', true);
//@define('DEBUG', true);
//@define('DEBUG_EXTRA', true);