Just have a question, Is there a way for admin. to give points to members such as members that have already joined before the extension was installed ?
NevesProjects wrote: Tue Feb 12, 2019 8:49 pm
Just installed this and it works Thanks dmzx
Just have a question, Is there a way for admin. to give points to members such as members that have already joined before the extension was installed ?
Yes, ACP / Extensions / Ultimate points.
You can send points there to groups (Groups transfer)
As you can see in the screenshots of the first post...
NevesProjects wrote: Sat Feb 16, 2019 6:21 am
Is it possible to put the Who is online and Statistics
that's at the bottom of the forums on the board3 index page ?
or is this something I would have to ask at board3 site ?
Yes, that has nothing to do with this ext.
But you can add modules to the portal via: ACP/Extensions/Portal/Portal Modules
Thank you for this extension! It's definitely incredibly useful. I have a couple of questions after playing with the settings for some time:
- Does the Cost per Post option have any actual effects on the users' balance? I see that points given per post does work but the cost doesn't seem to have any effect.
If the user had 100 points, cost per post in settings is 10 and points given for posts is 1, after I post with said user account, I end up with 101 points.
- Does the cost per post option allow to enable the user not to post if they don't have the currency needed?
If using the same values as the question above, if the user has 9 points, only allow the user to reply to posts but disable the new post option?
If this isn't already implemented, how can I implement said elements?
This is a great new version, congratulations!
Is it possible to add point synchronization?
Is it possible to add a prize roulette in the lottery?
Are you coming to Ultimate shop?
is it compatible with thanks for post? to every thanks received because topic / post he earns x points?
Is it possible to be compatible with donation extension?
add ACP transfer for user
add notification when received a donation, if by ACP can choose the user who sent the notification (bot)
Luixx wrote: Sat Apr 27, 2019 10:20 pmCongratulations is a great extension!
I installed the new version 1.2.2 and it presents error when activating the extension.
phpbb 3.2.5 - Prosilver - PHP 5.6 - Apache/2.4 - Maria DB 10.2
I have some questions.
1- How can I make the point system work on some of my forums or categories not all of them?
2- How can I make the point system deduct points from the user if they want to post on a forum and if they don't have enough points the system stops them from posting?
Been using this plugin almost two years with zero issues, until recently.. For some reason the lottery drawing times have went haywire, like 1969 and 1970's year... I dont have a clue, running the latest version 1.2.2 .