A place for Extension Authors to post and receive feedback on Extensions still in development. No Extensions within this forum should be used within a live environment!
With the older FAQ Manager extension, you could also create new FAQ pages (aside from editing the default phpBB FAQs or BBCODE pages) -- great for forums that want to create their own "separate" multiple FAQ pages that fit the many subjects that the forum will cater to (i.e. Troubleshooting Automobiles, Troubleshooting PCs, and etc.).
Does your Extension support this or not? Create like a new FAQ page, so it has it's own categories and then it's own FAQs per category?
My extensions:
Simple CMS, Feed post bot, Avatar Resize, Modbreak, Magic OGP, Live topic update, Modern Quote, Quoted Where (GDPR) and Autoresponder.
Newest: FAQ manager for 3.2
Sorry, I'm way too busy to expand on extra features.
You might be confused, but I think reading the description is sufficient about what this extension does. I'll happily merge a good PR from you if you have the time to work on it.
My extensions:
Simple CMS, Feed post bot, Avatar Resize, Modbreak, Magic OGP, Live topic update, Modern Quote, Quoted Where (GDPR) and Autoresponder.
Newest: FAQ manager for 3.2
My extensions:
Simple CMS, Feed post bot, Avatar Resize, Modbreak, Magic OGP, Live topic update, Modern Quote, Quoted Where (GDPR) and Autoresponder.
Newest: FAQ manager for 3.2
Works beautifully on phpbb 3.3.8, only suggestion i have atm is an option to have a + button or something to click "add new question & answer". Right now, you have to press "submit", then go back into the category, add a new question, press submit again...
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