There are a lot of problems with prosilver when it comes to using forums and most forums, in general, do a lot of things wrong to account for usability & cross-platform delivery. We are not setting out to create a new theme to simply replace prosilver! We are reimagining what a forum is at the individual component level. Nothing has been left out or forgotten. We have relocated several things or are rendering them in more appropriate ways. You have to take a step back when doing UI design and think about each part of an individual component. You have to rank or give them a weight of importance. Depending on this we can determine how to handle them. Things like the last post have no real added benefit on the forum other than a quick link to the last post. This can be achieved via a simple icon link rather than dedicated massive amounts of space. The same goes for replies/views/etc... In fact, the same can be said for everything other than the icon/image, title and description--even the subforums. For most forums, these are not used or used very frugally.
Everything in fact that you mentioned is there in the demo just hover and click around or look again
There are something that have been removed though. For example no more moderator section on the forums this seemed pointless and not very useful in this location.
YOURDOMAIN is required as not all logos have taglines in the logomark.
As for the phpbb logo its fine its not the logo for a reason!
The color scheme is non-existent yet, but keep in mind this is a default theme for you to color yourself! That's why the Codename of Chameleon. Its a personal preference.