adding a toplist script to the site

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Re: adding a toplist script to the site

Post by TheButcher2 »

Mannix_ wrote: Tue Oct 10, 2023 9:43 am do you really need php to display a bunch of links ???

Hi Mannix

What I want to show is the toplist, it works on WP you can see it here if you wish
at the bottom

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Re: adding a toplist script to the site

Post by TheButcher2 »

Any new tips?

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Re: adding a toplist script to the site

Post by ForumFlair »

TheButcher2 wrote: Wed Oct 18, 2023 7:38 pm Any new tips?

From the phpBB 3.3.8 release notes:
Marc wrote: We are pleased to announce the release of phpBB 3.3.8 “Bertie: Beer and Summer”. This version is a maintenance release of the 3.3.x branch which marks the PHP and INCLUDEPHP template functions as deprecated in order for them to be removed in a future release.

We have also decided to deprecate the use of the PHP and INCLUDEPHP as part of the phpBB template syntax. These are rarely used, have a high potential to cause issues or be used incorrectly, and also have not been recommended for a longer period of time. These functions have now been marked as deprecated and will no longer be available in the next feature release of phpBB, i.e. 3.4.0 or 4.0.0.

- The phpBB Team

It may be best to start looking at alternative methods so that you are prepared for the future.
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Re: adding a toplist script to the site

Post by WMP »

The script that Butcher is talking about is info ..

The script manages traffic exchanges and outputs it into a list.htm template that needs to be included into either the overall-header.html or the overall_footer.html or both.

The include line needed for the script to output the data is similar to this:

Code: Select all

<?php include "/ROOT_PATH/public_html/TRADE_EXPERT_INSTALL_FOLDER/toplist/top_10_links.htm";?>
The code that the script template uses is similar to this. Which will output 10 text links with a description according to rank (traffic in):

Code: Select all

<div class="col">
          <div class="card site-card-border site-card-body h-100">
			    <div class="mx-1 site-card-body p-3 text-black-50">
				  <p> <a href="/TRADE_EXPERT_INSTALL_FOLDER/out.php?id=##domain:1##" class="cardlink fw-bold" rel="sponsored" target="_blank">##name:1##</a> - ##long:desc:1##</p>
				  <p> <a href="/TRADE_EXPERT_INSTALL_FOLDER/out.php?id=##domain:2##" class="cardlink fw-bold" rel="sponsored" target="_blank">##name:2##</a> - ##long:desc:2##</p>
				  <p> <a href="/TRADE_EXPERT_INSTALL_FOLDER/out.php?id=##domain:3##" class="cardlink fw-bold" rel="sponsored" target="_blank">##name:3##</a> - ##long:desc:3##</p>
				  <p> <a href="/TRADE_EXPERT_INSTALL_FOLDER/out.php?id=##domain:4##" class="cardlink fw-bold" rel="sponsored" target="_blank">##name:4##</a> - ##long:desc:4##</p>
				  <p> <a href="/TRADE_EXPERT_INSTALL_FOLDER/out.php?id=##domain:5##" class="cardlink fw-bold" rel="sponsored" target="_blank">##name:5##</a> - ##long:desc:5##</p>
		<div class="col">
          <div class="card site-card-border site-card-body h-100">
			    <div class="mx-1 site-card-body p-3 text-black-50">
				  <p> <a href="/TRADE_EXPERT_INSTALL_FOLDER/out.php?id=##domain:6##" class="cardlink fw-bold" rel="sponsored" target="_blank">##name:6##</a> - ##long:desc:6##</p>
				  <p> <a href="/TRADE_EXPERT_INSTALL_FOLDER/out.php?id=##domain:7##" class="cardlink fw-bold" rel="sponsored" target="_blank">##name:7##</a> - ##long:desc:7##</p>
				  <p> <a href="/TRADE_EXPERT_INSTALL_FOLDER/out.php?id=##domain:8##" class="cardlink fw-bold" rel="sponsored" target="_blank">##name:8##</a> - ##long:desc:8##</p>
				  <p> <a href="/TRADE_EXPERT_INSTALL_FOLDER/out.php?id=##domain:9##" class="cardlink fw-bold" rel="sponsored" target="_blank">##name:9##</a> - ##long:desc:9##</p>
				  <p> <a href="/TRADE_EXPERT_INSTALL_FOLDER/out.php?id=##domain:10##" class="cardlink fw-bold" rel="sponsored" target="_blank">##name:10##</a> - ##long:desc:10##</p>
The script uses that type template syntax and outputs updated data into the list to display in the overall_header.html and or the overall_footer.html

All phpbb needs to do is to be able to use the include line and output the info ..using an include line similar to this:

Code: Select all

<?php include "/ROOT_PATH/public_html/TRADE_EXPERT_INSTALL_FOLDER/toplist/top_10_links.htm";?>
So, basically, the question is, 'What is the Trick' to being able to include php, and or htm templates into phpbb header and or footer?
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Re: adding a toplist script to the site

Post by ForumFlair »

WMP wrote: Fri Oct 20, 2023 6:52 pm So, basically, the question is, 'What is the Trick' to being able to include php, and or htm templates into phpbb header and or footer?

There was a post in the phpBB 3.3.8 release discussion topic which elaborates on it a little more:
Marc wrote:
Frank Rizzo wrote: With reference to the deprecation of <!-- PHP -->

I use this in order to process session information from another part of my website; namely subscriptions and to show / limit various parts of the forum. How can I now do this if I can't run my own PHP code?

simplified example

Code: Select all

<!-- PHP -->
if($_SESSION['valid_subscription'] == 1) {
	// display forum here
} else {
	echo '<div class="alert alert-warning"><h4>This section is for subscribers only</h4></div>';
</-- ENDPHP -->
The recommended way of handling this is via a small extension that employs our events system. If you need a more detailed help with that, we'll be happy to support you. Please open a topic in the appropriate section.
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Re: adding a toplist script to the site

Post by TheButcher2 »

Problem solved it is on the site in the footer.

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