Style name: Graphit
Author: Tastenplayer
Style description:
Description of the style: A dark grey style with a little red, silver, white and a stone mosaic background
The Style has a gradient border(Because of the gradient border, the style changes a little with each background)
The header image/logo is shown in each display. In the small phone view you can't see the whole header picture. It would definitely be too much and too small
In/on the header image a logo can be inserted
Light stone texture Wrap background (in the contrib file there are more header images stone backgrounds and other backgrounds)
Special No-Ava is displayed
The cookie hint is completely recolored
The statistics part is reformatted as a block, fitting the style
Style is converted to Twig Syntax
Important:With this style prosilver, the respective phpbb version, must be installed!
For this style the Dark Style Smilies must be installed
In FAQ you can copy the collapsible categories css
Note: As mentioned above, in the small responsive view, you won't see the whole header background image. This is because the response is adapted for the header images contained in the style. And because it is not possible together with a logo. A small logo image should always be inserted if a logo is to be shown in each display. This has to be considered if you want to insert your own header image.
If only a headerbackgroundbild and no logo is to be displayed, the note in the FAQ must be observed.
There are also some instructions for extension adjustments for this style in my forum.
You can find the instruction for the activity24hours ext by rmcgirr83 in the FAQ (Style versions earlier than 3.2.6)
Note: You always have to download the same version of the Style Graphit-Xmas in my forum, as the validated Graphit Style version!
Changes in
* index_html was missing
Changes in
* Print.css was missing
Changes in
* Post profile adjusted in responsive.css
* Border color corrected in PN profile
* Border radius in navigation responsive corrected
Changes in Version 3.2.6
* 1 Event moved in the index_body.html (the activity24hours ext. does not need any adjustment anymore)
* pm colors new adapted
Changes in Version
* Font color in Quicklogin input changed
* Fixed bug in simple_header.html
Changes in Version
* Dropdown background error fixed
Style version:
Tested on phpBB version: 3.2.9
Download file:
File size: 1.51 MiB
Style overview page: View
The phpBB Team is not responsible nor required to provide support for this Style. By installing this Style, you acknowledge that the phpBB Support Team or phpBB Style Customisations Team may not be able to provide support.
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