Obviously this is getting into personal preference, but I've been finding that 3.2.x is already what I would regard as "fragmented". This applies to both CSS and markup. Sure, it's a logical structure and sure, it is probably easily maintainable from a team perspective (an important consideration). It's also going to be fine for anyone who only wants to change a few colours here and there (the separation of a colours.css is useful for that).Hanakin wrote: Wed Nov 06, 2019 7:58 pm This is something that we are looking to make easier going forward with 4.0 and chameleon which will break the style up into smaller more maintainable pieces.
However, it does get to be a bit of a nuisance if you want to get more adventurous, because in those cases it will often force you to work across multiple files to deal with changing one element. You could argue that anyone that adventurous can always amalgamate declarations to their heart's content for testing, which is true, but nonetheless I would be asking how much fragmentation is actually optimal and necessary.