Discuss: phpBB 3.3 Proteus Feature Release Published

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Re: Discuss: phpBB 3.3 Proteus Feature Release Published

Post by DavidIQ »

Speaking of WordPress and the "awesome" auto-update feature... I just got a frantic email from a client saying that their board was down, which is odd because nothing's been touched on there. Apparently WP decided to auto-update itself and it just so happens that a custom extension on the board depends on the ACF WP plugin so the update brought the board down because of an undefined $wp_rewrite variable that was added to some (additional?) WP core functions. An hour or two later and things were back to normal.

One thing's for sure: if we do come up with a way to do a more automated update it likely won't be through an automatic update system. It sounds like the start of a Support Team member's nightmares.
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Re: Discuss: phpBB 3.3 Proteus Feature Release Published

Post by Tastenplayer »

You can see that, which can all go to shit, when Microsoft sends an automatic Windows Update :)
With a manual update, I can influence this by doing everything correctly according to the instructions.
With an automatic update - I am completely at the mercy of the software and can only hope that it does everything correctly. And that everything that is connected to this software, that is dependent on the software, still works afterwards and above all still exists.
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Re: Discuss: phpBB 3.3 Proteus Feature Release Published

Post by Lumpy Burgertushie »

I remember back when the one click host installs would do an automatic update that simply deleted everything and installed a brand new blank board. these days they at least keep the database when the automatic update happens.

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Re: Discuss: phpBB 3.3 Proteus Feature Release Published

Post by Ancient Viking »

I haven't visit here much lately due to both staff duties I had on TWC and RL, so I've missed a 3.2.x version or two and now when I checked the other day I notice that phpBB 3.3 was released.

I assume I can update my forum despite for still running 3.2.5 (I know it's outdated :P ) to 3.3 or do I need to first update 3.2.5 to the latest 3.2.x version and then update it to 3.3.

Thanks phpBB team for the 3.3 version. :D
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Re: Discuss: phpBB 3.3 Proteus Feature Release Published

Post by MarkDHamill »

You can go straight to 3.3 following the upgrade process.

You should make sure your extensions will work on 3.3. You will probably need to update the style as well. Also, if you are using reCaptcha, you will need a new set of keys for the Invisible Captcha, as the checkmark is not supported.
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Re: Discuss: phpBB 3.3 Proteus Feature Release Published

Post by Ancient Viking »

MarkDHamill wrote: Thu Jun 11, 2020 12:28 am You can go straight to 3.3 following the upgrade process.

You should make sure your extensions will work on 3.3. You will probably need to update the style as well. Also, if you are using reCaptcha, you will need a new set of keys for the Invisible Captcha, as the checkmark is not supported.
Thanks for the information, just what I wanted to know. :)

That about the extensions is something I thought about and I wonder of how long would it take before an extension gets updated to the latest phpBB version. A couple of weeks or is it a month? Maybe 2-3 months depending how much active the author is.

What is a checkmark in reCaptcha? Never heard of that before, I mean the checkmark.
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Re: Discuss: phpBB 3.3 Proteus Feature Release Published

Post by MarkDHamill »

On extensions, it just takes some research. Look at the discussion topic on the extension's page and the extensions database. Timing depends on the extension author. Many 3.2 extensions work fine under 3.3.

If you don't use reCaptcha as a spambot countermeasure, there is nothing to worry about.
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Re: Discuss: phpBB 3.3 Proteus Feature Release Published

Post by Ancient Viking »

MarkDHamill wrote: Thu Jun 11, 2020 12:53 am On extensions, it just takes some research. Look at the discussion topic on the extension's page and the extensions database. Timing depends on the extension author. Many 3.2 extensions work fine under 3.3.

If you don't use reCaptcha as a spambot countermeasure, there is nothing to worry about.
Thanks for the clarification.
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Re: Discuss: phpBB 3.3 Proteus Feature Release Published

Post by Ancient Viking »

I need to ask about what happen to me recently when updating my forum from phpBB 3.2.5 to phpBB 3.3.0.

It seems anyone who is updating from older versions than phpBB 3.2.9 must first update the forum to phpBB 3.2.9 then update it to phpBB 3.3.0.

MarkDHamill wrote: Thu Jun 11, 2020 12:28 am You can go straight to 3.3 following the upgrade process.
I did but couldn't and this is what happen, I mean how I solve it.
MarkDHamill wrote: Thu Jun 11, 2020 12:28 am You should make sure your extensions will work on 3.3.
I have checked every extensions, but despite for showing phpBB 3.3.0 in the ACP I cannot install two extensions.

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This is just me, but it seems to me that these two extensions has detected phpBB 3.2.9 files on the server depsite for showing phpBB 3.3.0 in the ACP.

I had no problems with the other extensions I use and all of them are compatible with phpBB 3.3.0.
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Re: Discuss: phpBB 3.3 Proteus Feature Release Published

Post by MarkDHamill »

Generally there is a topic in the extension's discussion forum on people using it on 3.3 who are having issues and need a workaround.

In most cases the issue is the /config/services.yml file for the extension. If there are single quotes missing around arguments and tags, add these. Here's an example of this file for my extension.

https://github.com/MarkDHamill/digests/ ... rvices.yml

Otherwise, you need to create a topic in the extension's discussion forum and hope for a response. Usually someone has figured out a solution.
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Re: Discuss: phpBB 3.3 Proteus Feature Release Published

Post by Ancient Viking »

So, editing the /config/services.yml file in Notepad++ and correct any missing quotes or whatever it is wrong should fix it and allow me to install these two extensions.

Or do I need to upload the correct one.

I asked about it.

https://www.phpbb.com/customise/db/exte ... 61#p761461
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Re: Discuss: phpBB 3.3 Proteus Feature Release Published

Post by MarkDHamill »

Often there are newer versions of an extension in development, beta or whatever for a particular version of phpBB. Links are often in the discussion forum for the extension. Some extensions already have the services.yml file fixed. So there is no hard and fast rule, but if after uploading an extension you get a message saying all your extensions have been disabled because of some error that was detected, fixing the services.yml file for the uploaded extension usually does the trick.

An extension may not work for other reasons. For example, you are using PHP 7.3 and a continue statement is ambiguous. For example, continue 1 is needed. Downgrading to PHP 7.2 or 7.1.3+ if that's an option can be a workaround.

The best thing is to ask the extension author if possible.
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Re: Discuss: phpBB 3.3 Proteus Feature Release Published

Post by AlfredoRamos »

Oh, this is where the discussion started.

As said in the appropriate support topic, your installation is broken, yet you insist that the extension is the problem.

I bet you have not even tested the more updated (non-validated) version for phpBB 3.2.x I commented in that topic.

The extension was compatible with 3.3.0 even before it was released, because I test alpha and beta version of phpBB to make all the needed changes upfront.

It doesn't have issues with the YML files (since the very first stable release, for phpBB 3.2.x), nor with PHP itself, as my extensions are being tested with bleeding edge versions, including PHP 7.3, 7.4 and 8.0 (dev), even before 3.3.0 was released.

If you really have 3.3.0, the PHPBB_VERSION constant from the includes/constants.php file must have 3.3.0 as its value.

But I'm almost sure that's not the case for you. Why? Because you are not the first person that, with a broken phpBB installation, blame on of my extensions because of a bad upgrade, and because I've had been hired to fix that kind of problems (along with others).

Anyways, I don't thing this is the right place to discuss about extensions.
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Re: Discuss: phpBB 3.3 Proteus Feature Release Published

Post by Kailey »

Ancient Viking, please start a new (or continue your current) topic in the Support forum. You're upgrade appears to be incomplete (see this).

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style_version = 3.2.9
phpbb_version = 3.2.9
Once you have completed the upgrade correctly, if you are still having problems with extensions, then post in the support section for that specific extension.

This topic is for discussion of the release.
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