Author: Mike-on-Tour
Extension Description: This extension installs an ACP extension listing all users who have been active contributors to your forum but stopped posting a number of days ago which you can define ("Inactive users"). A second list shows you all users who have been activated but never visited your forum since ("sleepers"). A third list shows all users visiting on a regular basis but do not post anything ("Zeroposter").
Inactive users can be reminded by e-mail once (or twice, you can select this feature) after a certain number of days you can define. After ignoring all reminders they can be deleted. Reminding mails can be sent by hand or automatically as well as deleting users. Inactive users will be removed from the list as soon as they log into your forum again.
Sleepers and zeroposters are listed together with the number of inactive days (number of days since activation or last login) and can only be deleted by hand.
That there is a settings tab goes without saying.
Important !!!
- Users are deleted by retaining their posts in order to prevent gaps in your forum threads!
- Automatic sending of reminder mails or deletion of users is part of the login routine whenever a user logs into the board; at this moment the variables for the last reminding mails - if there were any - are reset to zero to flag this user as active. Another part of this routine is checking whether automatic mail sending and/or automatic deletion is activated, in this case the extension checks for users due to be reminded or deleted.
Requirements: phpBB >=3.2.0: PHP 5.4 + / phpBB 3.3.x: PHP 7.2 +
Extension Download:
Languages: en, de (formal and informal), es, fr, nl
Styles: ACP
github repository:
I've tested this extension with phpBB 3.2.0, 3.2.7, 3.2.8 and 3.2.9 under PHP 5.4 and 7.2 and with phpBB 3.3.0 and 3.3.1 under PHP 7.2, 7.3 and 7.4.7
I'm looking forward to your comments.