Author: Mike-on-Tour
Extension Description:Since users in one of the boards I manage kept asking (the Hangman mod was installed back when we used phpBB 3.0.x) I've worked a little bit on dmzx's abandonded extension - after I got his approval, thanks again.
What is new or has changed?
- I changed the layout
- There are no longer hard coded quotes, instead every user can enter terms or quotes which are stored in a database table
- Every term or quote is used only once so your users will not see a riddle already solved (which means that they should enter a new one after playing)
- Users will not get their own terms or quotes to solve
- A term may consist of letters (characters) and spaces, the latter to enable sentences to be quoted; the term must not contain punctuation marks, special characters and digits
- Since some languages have additional letters it is possible to define the available letters for the game within the language file
- The number of points a player will gain by solving or losing a game, for guessing a correct letter, for entering a new term into the database and the number of lives to be used in a game can be defined in the ACP
- Every player is logged in a highscore list
- Letters can be chosen by either keyboard or mouse pointer
Languages: de (formal und informal), en
Styles: prosilver
Github repository:
Screen shots:
Game tab: Input tab: Highscore tab: Hall of Fame: Summary: ACP Settings tab: