When nintendo an Atari was the unique choose on 80s a famous track that anyone know was this:
Until it has not come out, the unique possibility to play, was to expend 50lire
into bar's: Pong by atari, or space invaders
My first PC was the commodore 64, but i was more or less (if not wrong) 12 years old, and used it only to play games. Games were (also) coming into music cassette. In the while, Mario Bros born and it was the first amazing game were i loosed my mind, like many others.
Then one day a friend was play with wafers programming, to see gratis TV programs. I decided that it was fascinating to code something and fuck off encryption for fun. I assume it was 1998. My pc was running pentium 600, modem 56k.
At this time, already reported into another post, there was a program called Download Accelerator.
So that if something required to be download, you had the possibility to chunk a big download that may to complete was requiring days or an entire week.
It was a great time! I hope our world can feel again the wind we have breathed over the years.
It will be again, this is my hope, i am sure it will be
They took the credit for your second symphony
Rewritten by machine and new technology
And now I understand the problems you can see