Predictions for the future

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Re: Predictions for the future

Post by warmweer »

[Dimetrodon] wrote: Tue Oct 25, 2022 1:31 pm I don't think it's the smart phones that are the problem.
You're wrong about that: the name in itself already implies it takes the smart out of people. :(

Added: In all honesty, a smartphone can be an asset (I have one, I won't lie about that) but many rely on smartphones for just about everything and check that damn contraption every 5 minutes just in case they hadn't heard a ping.
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Re: Predictions for the future

Post by [Dimetrodon] »

warmweer wrote: Tue Oct 25, 2022 3:37 pm check that damn contraption every 5 minutes just in case they hadn't heard a ping.
I can't stand such people. That being said, people spend too much time on social media in general. You see it with smartphones in public but such people often spend too much time on it with their computers as well. The answer isn't to bring back the flip phones but rather to penalize these large social media companies and encourage people to delete social media apps from their devices.

Facebook for instance was well aware of the negative effects it has on people for over a decade and did whatever they could to profit from it. There should be a price to pay for that.

Facebook (now calling themselves Meta) want's to build a "metaverse" and that just screams dystopia. Unfortunately, they're not alone either.
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Re: Predictions for the future

Post by AmigoJack »

Lumpy Burgertushie wrote: Tue Sep 20, 2022 7:34 pm
“There is no reason for any individual to have a computer in his home.”

- Ken Olsen. head of IBM
I predict that people will still not learn what's possible with BBCode, especially when they've used phpBB long enough to know better they seem to be stuck.

Look what it could have been instead:
Ken Olsen. head of IBM wrote:There is no reason for any individual to have a computer in his home.
I'm old enough that by chance I got a pager, too. Back then I didn't get people using mobiles/cellphones to always call others, or worse: write SMS messages all day long. I also grew up with videogame consoles - when the PSX was launched the majority called it a stillborn and nobody could have predicted it was going so very popular because it made pirating games much easier.
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Re: Predictions for the future

Post by Mick »

I have to say, smartphones have stopped lots of fights in pubs in the UK. No more arguments, the information is at your fingertips assuming you know how to work Google.
  • "The more connected we get the more alone we become” - Kyle Broflovski© 🇬🇧
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Re: Predictions for the future

Post by [Dimetrodon] »

AmigoJack wrote: Sun Nov 13, 2022 10:57 pm I predict that people will still not learn what's possible with BBCode, especially when they've used phpBB long enough to know better they seem to be stuck.
Hell, bbcode is an offshoot of HTML. Even iframe can be done in bbcode if one knows how to install the bbcode and how to use it. So can practically anything else.

It's just more limited and secure for regular users.

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