My initial plan was getting used to the forum before I write my first post. Then I would gather more knowledge in coding in phpBB so that I can help the users on this site. Because helping people belongs to the core of my personality. I love learning new stuff and can be very curious which has its advantages and disadvantages.
Yes, this sounds quite positive at a first glance and what I wrote is still true. You’ve read the title of the thread and I will come to that now. Please note that next paragraphs may appear as reproaches but they are just statements, nothing more

It’s not the first time I did register on Last week, on Dec 7, 2022, I registered on the same user name (Selene310187), a user name that I use for various purposes since 2006 (I have other user names as well but this one is my main one worldwide).
About one hour after my registration on I couldn’t see the topics/posts in the forums of anymore. They were replaced with the message: “The board has no forums”. And I lost access to my private messages as well.
From Dec 7 to Dec 9, I wrote one message each to the staff of to describe my problem and asking for help. The messages were not answered.
On Dec 12, I noticed that my account got deleted. I wrote a fourth message to find out why this happened - I still got no reply.
How would you feel when you learn that your account got deleted the next day? I was clueless what to do next fearing that a new account will be deleted again due to reasons which are still unknown to me.
So I messaged a good friend of mine asking him what he thinks about the recent occurrences. He answered that it can't get any worse.
And as you are reading this thread, I indeed started my second try on becoming a member of the community of