Tencent impersonating Googlebot

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Tencent impersonating Googlebot

Post by [Dimetrodon] »

Has anyone ever had someone impersonate Googlebot? I went into my online list and happened to find that Googlebot was accessing my site but the useragent was suspicious. While my server does not receive IP addresses due to it being put online through a reverse tunnel, I did check the tunnel logs for around the same time that bot was active, and it was the IP was, which belongs to Tencent. No record of Google accessing my site was in those logs for the time I noticed the suspicious user agent.

Has anyone had googlebot impersonated before on their site? If so, should I be worried? It's not like I gave Google any more access than a guest, but still.
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Re: Tencent impersonating Googlebot

Post by [Dimetrodon] »

It stopped even before I can blacklist the IP through the tunnel rules. I don't know what it was trying to access, but it certainly didn't grab much.

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