The Keats forum was a longstanding bulletin board with lots of important information and discussion on the subject of Keats and his poetry and hosted by phpBB, but it has suddenly disappeared without warning??
So I'm not sure if it's a temporary issue or permanent? I have no way of contacting the administrators and by the sounds of things you are not able to assist. Shame as there was a lot of useful information and discussion on there that has just gone. Although posting had been low of late it was still attracting regular visitors.
If any of the Administrators of that particular BB see this I'm hoping they might be able to post to explain what happened.
Difficult to tell if it's permanent or not. The owner might have decided to call it a day and shut it down but it looks more like a hosting issue so when they notice and get in touch with the hosting company, hopefully it'll come back on. Unfortunately you'll just have to keep checking back every day or so to see if it comes back online.
You could check your email from when you first registered (or any board notifications). It might have an admin address on it that you could contact.
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