bbcode for tables not working

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bbcode for tables not working

Post by AllanCapps »

This is day one for me with phpbb. I've done a few hours of research but can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. I'm trying to create a post with a table in it. Below is the text I have put into the post and the result. Can anyone tell me why it's not creating a table? I used the bb-code generator ( but that didn't work. REF:

Thank you!

Here is the text/code in my post:
[th]Coal Storage Cap.[/th]
[th]Mine Resident Cap.[/th]
[th]Build Time[/th]
[th]Combat Power (CP)[/th]

Here is what is displayed after I post the topic:
[th]Coal Storage Cap.[/th]
[th]Mine Resident Cap.[/th]
[th]Build Time[/th]
[th]Combat Power (CP)[/th]
Last edited by Mick on Mon Feb 06, 2023 4:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Solved.
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Re: bbcode for tables not working

Post by warmweer »

You don't mention having created the BBcodes. if not, then they aren't BBcodes.

Have a look at [RC] Tables
and also Advanced BBCode Box
Spelling is freeware, which means you can use it for free.
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Re: bbcode for tables not working

Post by AllanCapps »

I wasn't aware that I had to create bbcodes, but the links you sent provided the answers. Thank you very much!!!

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Re: bbcode for tables not working

Post by SQLnovice »

However, they're built in to the extension Advanced BBCode Box. When installed, anyone can simply copy paste from the BBCode edit bar. Fields are separated by the "|" pipe symbol. We use tables extensively, because you can tidy up everything from pictures, to text, to videos. Leading and ending row pipes are optional. But for consistency while editing, it's best just to put them in. And generally, for the content I've described, you don't want more than about 5 columns, two or three are most popular and clean looking.

Here's our forum's How-to:

1. Table formatting requires the use of the "|" pipe symbol as a column separator**. It IS NOT the letter "I" as in "I am."
2. Below is a sample table format as you would type it.
3. Every table must have a header, a column alignment row and a data row. You can have as many data rows as you like
4. Data rows must be in sequence, no breaks in the rows.
5. Data in the header row is optional. The column alignment row is hidden, but the ":" colon symbol specifies alignment/justification
|:----- for left (or if the colon isn't added, left justification is assumed)
|-----: for right
|:-----: for center
6. Spaces between pipe symbols, while editing, are for convenience
7. Pictures stored in a table are automatically reduced to fit. So best to have them in

Code: Select all

format, so they can be expanded to full size when selected.

For a more lengthy description, see here.

Code: Select all

|fruit | price|
|apple | 2.05|
|pear | 1.37 |
|orange | 3.09|
Tables are freakin' awesome!!! I keep a UCP draft with a bunch of them as a cheat. Mostly anymore, I use tables just to straighten up lengthy member picture posts, so without header data.
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Re: bbcode for tables not working

Post by Funwave1 »

found a better solution as the "pipes" table, because I like a table, and not that bad looking dots and stripes.
I have get a code to become the old "table,th,tr,td" back and works..
Can we get at next PHPBB 3.3.x Versions a tables Extension where we can use like the Outlook Table System (click with mouse, select rows and lines - ready) ?
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Re: bbcode for tables not working

Post by Mick »

You can always make an extension request yourself.
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Re: bbcode for tables not working

Post by Sniper_E »

Code: Select all

|fruit | price|
|apple | 2.05|
|pear | 1.37 |
|orange | 3.09|
I'm not sure what a pipe table looks like. I've never played with them.

But Tables 2.1.4

Code: Select all

It looks like this.

And posted with this code...

Code: Select all

It looks like this.
You do not have the required permissions to view the files attached to this post.
Image . -.. / .... ..- -- .--. .... .-. . -.--
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