Just taking a quick look, and I noticed something which has been annoying me lately anyway. 3.3 Prosilver has this too:
Code: Select all
html {
font-size: 100%;
/* Always show a scrollbar for short pages - stops the jump when the scrollbar appears. non-IE browsers */
height: 101%;
For example: you want a nice blue background with a darker gradient near the top of the page. A bit old school, but still works well with some styles. You declare that on the body tag, but when the body tag is not very tall (ie: login page) your style runs out of background before the viewport runs out.
So ok, you put the background on the HTML tag instead. Now it runs out of height whenever the body tag is greater in height than 101% of the viewport. Yay!

Yes, you can put the gradient on the body tag, and a matching flat colour on the html tag, to cover all cases. It's a nuisance though. Simple solution: use min-height instead, and put the background on the html tag.
Code: Select all
html {
font-size: 100%;
/* Always show a scrollbar for short pages - and do it in a way that won't annoy people who want to customise the presentation. */
/* All browsers these days are non-IE browsers,and even IE8 supported min-height. :P */
min-height: 101%;