Hello, I'm looking to convert a vanilla forum to phpBB.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
The code referenced on github no longer is available. Does anyone happen to have it?Once you have phpBB installed, create a convert/ directory inside of the phpBB directory. Make sure that it is writable as the script stores some information in the directory during conversion. Download the files from the repository and put them in convert/. Open common.php and add the relevant database details for your Vanilla board. You may also need to add define('PHPBB_DB_NEW_LINK', true); to van2phpbb.php after include( "./common.php" ); as I encountered a problem with the phpBB database connection conflicting with the Vanilla database connection due to me using the same database user for both databases.
Then download ADOdb, extract the files, and move them under convert/adodb/. So the path to adodb.inc.php should be convert/adodb/adodb.inc.php. Once that's done, you're ready to start the conversion -- simply run van2phpbb.php.
Note that I did a brief test, so there may be other problems that I did not notice. Please let me know if you have any success.