Title: Need a specific forum to automatically sort by Title/Upcoming Date
Audience: Students welcome; anyone with the skills or an appropriate extension welcome
Reward: $20.00 (OBO) via PayPal or ...
Deadline: Sept 29, 2023
Preferred contact method: discord @swmocoin or via [email protected]
Link to the board: swmocoin.com (but only open to those who are registered)
Detailed description of the tasks: I have three specific forums that list upcoming events (i.e. estate sales, local auctions, and tradeshows). These events will be added by both admin and reg-users. The post is supposed to follow a certain template, which puts the date of the event at the front-end of the subject. I need these topics to automatically sort by date/title. I assume there is an extension for this, but I can't find it. Likewise, I am new to the forum business and have yet to make any significant mod's.