In the Guide:
Delete the following files from the package:
- The config.php file
- The files/ directory
- The images/ directory
- The store/ directory
- The config.php file
- The ext/ directory
- The files/ directory
- The images/ directory
- The store/ directory
There's a bit of a contradiction in the statement "lot of modifications in the extensions folder", the whole point of extensions being not having to modify core phpBB files.
For styles the update (or full) package should only contain /all and /prosilver and those should be uploaded also (the whole package should be uploaded).
That can't be answered because there may be changes to files including the style etc. If you are going to maintain a customized set of files always comment your edits and use a unique text. This makes it easy to find and identify them. For php edits
Code: Select all
// Yourname Mod - Reason for the edit
Code: Select all
<!-- IF 0 -->Yourname Mod - Added blah, blah,blah<!-- ENDIF -->