Priority event extensions

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Priority event extensions

Post by bennybernaer »

I don't know if I'm writing in the right place here, but if not, please move my topic.

If I now use extensions with the same event, and that code must be displayed in the same place, it is often displayed in the installation sequence.

Back in the days of modifications, if I installed a mod and those modifications were installed in the same place, I as a user could actually choose in which order it should be displayed. (You actually just had to change the code to determine the next modifications).

If you now place an extension under ({% EVENT viewtopic_body_online_list_before %} you don't have that choice at all...

Or am I seeing this completely wrong
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Re: Priority event extensions

Post by GanstaZ »

There is no way to set order for template events.. at least not the way as you mentioned above.
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Re: Priority event extensions

Post by Sniper_E »

bennybernaer wrote: Thu Nov 30, 2023 4:22 pmIf I now use extensions with the same event, and that code must be displayed in the same place, it is often displayed in the installation sequence.
Or am I seeing this completely wrong?
These guys may correct me but I noticed over 2 years ago the the extensions load up in order of the name not in the order they were installed.
First "Board Attachments" then "mChat" then "Quick Reply Reloaded" and finally "Upload Extensions"

Edit: I take that back, just looked again and they load by vender name not the extension name. My memory was off a little.

In your index page right click on the body and select View Page Source and you will see the order that the extension's css loads.
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Re: Priority event extensions

Post by Mike-on-Tour »

Sniper_E wrote: Thu Nov 30, 2023 5:18 pm I take that back, just looked again and they load by vender name not the extension name.
That's my observation, too.
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Re: Priority event extensions

Post by rxu »

Actually they load in order the data got selected from the DB extensions table ... hp#L88-L89
As far as the SQL query doesn't contain ORDER BY clause, resulting order can differ on different DBMS versions/servers/installations etc.
But what is certain is that currently it's impossible for extensions to choose an order template events load.
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Re: Priority event extensions

Post by danieltj »

Extensions need to mirror how WordPress does it. You can choose the order by changing a priority number in the action or filter hook. Extensions are very primitive in their lifecycle at the moment.
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Re: Priority event extensions

Post by GanstaZ »

Primitive? I would say limited, because of current phpBB (3.3.x) branch.

If anyone wants to have a way to sort template events, it can be implemented easily. It's more about "do admins need to have that power"?
Based on discord.. Toxyy was/is working on that sorting part.
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Re: Priority event extensions

Post by Toxyy »

GanstaZ wrote: Sun Dec 03, 2023 7:46 pm If anyone wants to have a way to sort template events, it can be implemented easily. It's more about "do admins need to have that power"?
Based on discord.. Toxyy was/is working on that sorting part.
Just PRd a proof of concept :)

If approved, you could add priority to template events by hooking into the twig_tokenparser_constructor (name of event TBD) event in a listener.

Example event usage:

Code: Select all

public function twig_tokenparser_constructor($event)
	$template_event_priority_array = $event['template_event_priority_array'];
	$template_event_priority_array += [
		'toxyy_postformtemplates' => [
			'event/overall_header_head_append' => 1000
	$event['template_event_priority_array'] = $template_event_priority_array;

With this, my template event is called before any others. Normal behavior would have it placed on the bottom of this list.

As stated in the commit message, priority works like in Symfony events, the higher number will be compiled first.

If two events have the same priority, then the last one added will be executed last - this differs from what's stated in my initial commit message, sorry about that, I was thinking about it wrong.

Reason being is that for an array:

Code: Select all

  '0' => 'first_event',
  '1' => 'second_event',
  '2' => 'third_event',
  '3' => 'fourth_event'
if your priority is `2`, then it will be placed as so:

Code: Select all

  '0' => 'first_event',
  '1' => 'second_event',
  '2' => 'priority_set_event',
  '3' => 'third_event',
  '4' => 'fourth_event'
And then if another event has a priority of `2`, then it will be placed above it:

Code: Select all

  '0' => 'first_event',
  '1' => 'second_event',
  '2' => 'another_priority_set_event',
  '3' => 'priority_set_event'.
  '4' => 'third_event',
  '5' => 'fourth_event'
And because the higher numbers get executed first (krsort), it will get compiled after the previously set template event for the same priority. This is an edge case though. Not sure how Symfony handles this. Template events by default are parsed in alphabetical order by extension namespace. If no one uses the event, then template events will execute in the same order as they do now.
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