[ABD] BGTOP 3.3.x

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Re: [3.3][RC] BGTOP 3.3.x

Post by warmweer »

Stefan Salvatore wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 11:39 am I can't repeat the same thing. The +lgo link can also be changed to have a top vote
huh? what is a (or the) +lgo link

May I suggest your write it out in your native language and then use a translation service to create the text that can be posted.
Spelling is freeware, which means you can use it for free.
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Re: [3.3][RC] BGTOP 3.3.x

Post by Stefan Salvatore »

Typing me PM
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Re: [3.3][RC] BGTOP 3.3.x

Post by warmweer »

Stefan Salvatore wrote: Sat Feb 03, 2024 11:29 am Typing me PM
If this means you sent me a PM (just guessing since you posted this after a post of mine) .. no PM received.
On the other hand, perhaps you meant you only want to reply per PM.

The point is: I (and someone else I asked) don't know what you mean with this.

Again: I suggest you write the description (and anything necessary) in Bulgarian and user Google Translate or similar (most browsers even have an automatic translation service). Some other users have done that and it really helps.
Spelling is freeware, which means you can use it for free.
On the other hand, it is not open source, which means you cannot change it or publish it in a modified form.

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Re: [3.3][RC] BGTOP 3.3.x

Post by ivailo95 »

as i see everyone ask what this ext do, so will tell him in bulgarian
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Re: [3.3][RC] BGTOP 3.3.x

Post by Paul »

Please, keep in mind this is an English speaking forum. We expect users to be able to provide extensions descriptions and support in the English language.
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Re: [3.3][RC] BGTOP 3.3.x

Post by danieltj »

I’ve read three pages of posts in this topic and still have no idea what this extension actually does. The download links also look like spam that would give you malware trying to download them.

I’m assuming that the extension does something in regard to adding an image to the background of your forum based on the images live provided but even then I’m not 100% sure on that.

I’m surprised this topic is still open to be honest.
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Re: [3.3][RC] BGTOP 3.3.x

Post by bonelifer »

After consulting with chatGPT and reading this topic.
chatGPT wrote:The script remembers a user's action to hide an element (with class forkit) and persists this preference for one day using cookies, ensuring the element remains hidden on subsequent visits within that period.
It allows gamers on a Bulgarian gaming server to be reminded once a day to vote through a banner that appears on the right side of the board header. Once clicked, that header image is hidden for 24 hours by setting a cookie that instructs the JavaScript to hide the element.
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Re: [ABD] BGTOP 3.3.x

Post by Paul »

This topic has been marked as [ABD] - Abandoned as the extension author has not been active recently. If the extension author wishes to continue development, please PM anyone on the Extension Customisations Team to request this topic be unlocked.

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