Can I embed video without allowing download or seeing the URL?

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Can I embed video without allowing download or seeing the URL?

Post by oztkktzo4 »

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phpBB Media Embed PlugIn
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What styles do you currently have installed? prosilver, outset
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What actions did you take (updating your board; installing a MOD, style or extension; etc.) prior to this problem becoming noticeable? First time trying to embed video, but installed the phpBB Media Embed PlugIn as a pre-requisite.
Please describe your problem. Is there a way to embed videos so users cannot download or see the URL?

I have tried Youtube, Google Drive, and Vimeo. They all require some level of being logged in to the respective platform in order to see the video. I don't want to require our users to have an account on any of these platforms. We also don't want users to be able to copy the URL and paste it over the internet, nor download and spread it that way either. I briefly looked into uploading as an attachment to a post to see what that would look like but the mp4 extension isn't one of the items on Manage attachment extensions page. So checking here before going down a rabbit hole of adding the .mp4 extension. Thank-you.

EDIT: here is the code I'm using: [media] ... ;autopause[/media] I've tried others as well.
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Last edited by Mick on Mon Feb 12, 2024 7:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Can I embed video without allowing download or seeing the URL?

Post by thecoalman »

The short answer is no. If it can be seen in a browser it can be saved.

At most you can set up specific forum for videos and deny guests access to the attachments.
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Re: Can I embed video without allowing download or seeing the URL?

Post by oztkktzo4 »

Thank-you for your response.

Putting this here(as questionable as it is) in case it helps anyone.

I've gotten a little further after borrowing the Vimeo credentials from a colleague and changing the permissions to 'Hide from Vimeo' and choosing our domain. Still testing but wanted to document for others as it looks promising.

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