i'm creating my first extension.
my extension make the admin editing the
phpbb_user table
in the column user_donatore
.It works correctly but i want to send a notification to the user related of this editing.
- admin edits the column
for the user "sebo"- user sebo has to get the notification of this editing
(i'm quite new to PHP and this is my first extension, so it's quite difficult for me, but i'm trying to learn...

i read this tutorial
https://area51.phpbb.com/docs/dev/3.3.x ... tions.html
i edited the file service.yml
- '@notification_manager'
to get notification into the acp_controland
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class: sebo\donatore\notification\type\attiva
shared: false # service MUST not be shared for this to work!
parent: notification.type.base
- [set_controller_helper, ['@controller.helper']]
- { name: notification.type }

after i've included in the acp_control.php
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/** @var \phpbb\notification\manager */
protected $notification_manager;
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public function __construct(\phpbb\notification\manager $notication_manager)
$this->notification_manager = $notification_manager;
like i said before, this function is:
- after the acp edit the db (changing the column "user_donatore" in table "phpbb_users"), it has to set a notification for the user that the column has been changed...so i've tried to start what to write...maybe something like
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$this->notification_manager->add_notifications('sebo.donatore.notification.type.attiva', [
'user_id' => 'user_id',
'sender_id' => 'user_admin_id',
'message_subject' => 'notifica_subject',
what do i miss?!?![phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/ext/sebo/donatore/controller/acp_controller.php on line 67: Undefined variable $notification_manager