Style name: Allan Style - SUBSILVER
Author: Allan_Style
Style description: Hello.
Our style will appeal to all who love SUBSILVER2. If you have the SUBSILVER2 style - you know about the problems of extensions and this style. We recommend you to install our style Allan SUBSILVER Style as it is based on the style prosilver and not on SUBSILVER. Our style has a very similar appearance on SUBSILVER. You will have to work all extensions as they need to work on the style prosilver. If you notice errors in the work style - please let us know.
Authors: Merlin, Allan, SKRS, Foxs
Style version: 3.3.2
Tested on phpBB version: 3.3.14
Download file:
File size: 226.27 KiB
Style overview page: View
The phpBB Team is not responsible nor required to provide support for this Style. By installing this Style, you acknowledge that the phpBB Support Team or phpBB Style Customisations Team may not be able to provide support.
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