I installed my phpBB and i wanted to customize privacy / GDPR info under "ucp.php?mode=privacy". I read that i have to find 'PRIVACY_POLICY' code in /language/pl/ucp.php and pase my custom policy cod there.
I want to use automatic privacy policy / GDPR info generated in tool: https://my.oodo.pl. I generate with this tool my snippet code, but after pasting this code into 'PRIVACY_POLICY' i got HTTP ERROR 500. My custom code is:
Code: Select all
$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
'PRIVACY_POLICY' => "<div id="myOodoPl-32-19-GQXc">Ładuję...</div><script>(function() { window.OodoPl = window.OodoPl || {}; OodoPl.config = OodoPl.config || []; OodoPl.config.push( { uid: 32, klauzid: 19, rand: 'GQXc', lang: 'pl', css: true } ); var script = document.createElement('script'); script.src = 'https://my.oodo.pl/pl/klauzula/32-19-GQXc'; script.async = true; var entry = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
entry.parentNode.insertBefore(script, entry); })();</script>",