Native way to hide rank title

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Native way to hide rank title

Post by durangod »

When i use ranks i really dont want the title to show, its extra information that is not needed when i have a rank image that says the same thing. If
i have a rank image that says "Site Admin" i dont need the title showing that says "Site Admin".

The title is a required field in the rank form, i tried removing it and got an error.

In the html files there is an IF wrapping the rank title however i do not see any config setting to hide it. So i assume it just looks for the existance of the rank title.

Also the rank title does not have its own dedicated css so i could not just add display:none to the css.

So what i had to do was to modify several html files, that seems to do the trick. But i hate modding core files.

modded prosilver files:

memberlist_view.html approx line 15

Code: Select all

<!-- dave mod -->			
			<!-- changed by dave to hide the rank text title and added br -->
			<!-- IF RANK_TITLE --><dd style="text-align: center;"><!-- {RANK_TITLE} --><br /></dd><!-- ENDIF -->
<!-- end dave mod -->

ucp_pm_viewmessage.html approx line 40

Code: Select all

<!-- dave mod -->

        <!-- changed by dave to remove rank title from display and added br  -->		
		<!-- IF RANK_TITLE or RANK_IMG --><dd class="profile-rank"> <!-- {RANK_TITLE} --> <br /><!-- IF RANK_TITLE and RANK_IMG --><br /><!-- ENDIF -->{RANK_IMG}</dd><!-- ENDIF -->
<!-- end dave mod -->	
viewtopic_body.html approx line 157

Code: Select all

<!-- dave mod  -->

            <!-- changed to hide rank title from display and added br -->
			<!-- IF postrow.RANK_TITLE or postrow.RANK_IMG --><dd class="profile-rank"> <!-- {postrow.RANK_TITLE} --> <br /><!-- IF postrow.RANK_TITLE and postrow.RANK_IMG --><br /><!-- ENDIF -->{postrow.RANK_IMG}</dd><!-- ENDIF -->

<!-- end dave mod -->

Is there a native way without modding the files to hide the rank title?
Last edited by Mick on Sat Mar 02, 2024 9:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Solved.
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Re: Native way to hide rank title

Post by thecoalman »

There is no way to do this without editing that I'm aware of so I'm moving this to custom coding.

Quick tip, you can comment out template code using <!-- IF 0 -->

Code: Select all

			<!-- IF 0 --> Dave Mod -  hide the rank text title
			<!-- IF RANK_TITLE --><dd style="text-align: center;">{RANK_TITLE}</dd><!-- ENDIF -->
			<!-- ENDIF -->
That will completely remove it from HTML output.
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Re: Native way to hide rank title

Post by durangod »

Thanks for sharing :)
Username is short for durango dave

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