There's probably a config_table in the database. And it probably has a field version >>> that should tell you the phpBB version.shibbyshibby wrote: Tue Mar 26, 2024 12:48 am I don't have and of the phpBB files, just the database. I don't even remember what version of phpBB I was using.
Download the files with the same version as that mentioned in the database.shibbyshibby wrote: Tue Mar 26, 2024 12:48 am How would I go about getting it to work again? I have the webspace already. Will a 10 year old phpBB database work on the latest release of phpBB? Would I have to use the original version I used back then?
Look closer. By the way you copied the text to paste here and didn't even care to delete all the
(search & replace is so easy in an editor) I guess you also are too quick to determine that no further page exists. It doesn't have to stand there as text - sometimes it's just angle brackets (like ">" or ">>").For one, you can empty the search tables. If that doesn't help, you could import the posts_table seperately.shibbyshibby wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2024 2:54 am Ok, I installed XAMPP and tried to import a copy of the sql.gz database into phpMyAdmin, but it instantly says it's probably too large of a file. It's only about 80MB. Does that seem right? Can I change something so it will work? It referred me to some documentation but I really didn't understand it at all. I'm really dumb when it comes to this stuff.
Thanks for any help!