Although I run a forum for over 20 years, I'm still a n00b where it comes to extensions, writing code, etc. So I asked ChatGPT:
It came back with this:Write a detailed extension for my phpbb-forum that prevents putting a link in first posts for new members. Make it a step-by-step tutorial explaining where to find the files that need to be edited and which explicit code needs to be added.
Before I spend time on this and run the risk of messing up my forum, I'd like to hear from you guys if this could work?To create an extension for phpBB that prevents new members from posting links in their first posts, follow this detailed step-by-step tutorial:
Step 1: Extension Setup
Create Extension Directory: Inside the ext directory of your phpBB installation, create a new directory named nolinksinfirstpost .
Create Composer File: Inside the nolinksinfirstpost directory, create a composer.json file with the following content:
Step 2: Extension ImplementationCode: Select all
{ "name": "username/nolinksinfirstpost", "type": "phpbb-extension", "description": "Prevents new members from posting links in their first posts.", "license": "GPL-2.0-only", "authors": [ { "name": "Your Name", "email": "[email protected]" } ] }
Create Extension Files:
Create a file named ext.php inside the nolinksinfirstpost directory. This file will handle registration and events.
Add the following code to ext.php :
Code: Select all
<?php namespace username\nolinksinfirstpost; class ext extends \phpbb\extension\base { public function is_enableable() { return true; } static public function install() { // Installation code if needed } static public function uninstall() { // Uninstallation code if needed } static public function enable() { // Enable code if needed } static public function disable() { // Disable code if needed } }
Hook into phpBB Events:
Open the includes/functions_posting.php file in the phpBB directory.
Inside the submit_post() function, add the following code snippet before the return statement to check and prevent links in first posts:
Step 3: Testing and DeploymentCode: Select all
if ($auth->acl_get('u_no_links_in_first_post') && $userdata['user_posts'] < 2) { $message = utf8_clean_string($message); if (preg_match("/<a\s/i", $message)) { trigger_error("New members cannot post links in their first post."); } }
Test Your Extension:
Make a test account with a new member role to verify that links cannot be posted in the first post.
Package Your Extension:
Zip the nolinksinfirstpost directory containing the ext.php file and the composer.json file.
Rename the zip file to .
Upload the zip file to the ext directory on your phpBB server.
Enable the Extension:
Log in as an administrator on your phpBB forum.
Go to the Admin Control Panel (ACP) and navigate to Customise -> Extensions .
Find your extension named "No Links in First Post" and click Enable .
By following these steps, you should have successfully created an extension for phpBB that prevents new members from posting links in their first posts. Remember to test thoroughly and adjust the code as needed for your specific requirements.
Thanks in advance.
Kind regards,