Training an AI model based on your own phpbb forum?

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Training an AI model based on your own phpbb forum?

Post by serek »

Has anyone tried to train an AI model based on your own phpbb forum?

For example: what tools have you used? How did you define a schema? How did you use the model later?

Any feedback/discussion on topic appreciated.
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Re: Training an AI model based on your own phpbb forum?

Post by dextrous »

We have trained & been using AI models in our forums at various spots, primarily using LogisticRegression, LinearSVC from sklearn.
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Re: Training an AI model based on your own phpbb forum?

Post by nou nou »

Any chance you could explain (some of) this in non-geek language? :D

Is it python dev? Are there tools that can be used as is?
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Re: Training an AI model based on your own phpbb forum?

Post by dextrous »

In simple terms, an AI model is used to make predictions or decisions and an algorithm is the logic by which that AI model operates. So it depends on what you want to do. Bottom line is you will have to train the model with the data & run it through the model to get the prediction. It can be Text or Image or Audio or Video Classifications & you can do a lot more. Start from here : Yes it is in python and there are Tensorflow Javascript AI model that you can train & use it in the browser if the model is not huge : I can point you in the right direction if you tell me more details on what you are trying to do & achieve.
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Re: Training an AI model based on your own phpbb forum?

Post by Toxyy »

dextrous wrote: Tue Apr 30, 2024 9:55 pm Start from here : Yes it is in python and there are Tensorflow Javascript AI model that you can train & use it in the browser if the model is not huge :
Not trying to be rude here but this is the essentially the same thing as someone asking "how do I make a phpbb extension?" and responding "well I used PHP" and linking to
I am a web developer/administrator, specializing in forums. If you have work you need done or are too lazy to do, pm me!

Some of my extensions:
[3.3][BETA] Post Form Templates || [3.3][BETA] Anonymous Posts || [3.2][3.3][BETA] ACP Merge Child Forums || [3.2][BETA] Sticky Ad || [3.2][DEV] User Delete Topics || [3.3][DEV] Moderate While Searching || [3.3][RC] Short Number Twig Extension
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Re: Training an AI model based on your own phpbb forum?

Post by dextrous »

Ok, so may be i didn't explain this fully on how we are using it on our site. We have been training and using AI Model for Text & Image Classifications to identify how good the post is, Categorizing the products from the post. We are also working on Topic Tagging and price trend identification on similar items. We will be retraining the models every day to gather the most recent post data so the model is UpToDate. Hope this helps. I can provide more ideas & details if you have specific question or ideas.
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Re: Training an AI model based on your own phpbb forum?

Post by serek »

I found a basic guide for AI deployment, it might be useful to restart the discussion: ... sive-guide
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Re: Training an AI model based on your own phpbb forum?

Post by fuolo »

You would need to export forum data, such as posts, probably to .csv file, afterwards prepare the data (for example with pandas, NLTK or spaCy for tokenization). Then train your model with TensorFlow or PyTorch or fine tune pretrained models such as GPT or BERT. And yes, AI is mainly python.

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