We can't seem to reproduce that. Check your forum's server settings, under Server URL settings. Make sure all the fields, especially the script path, is correct. And maybe see what happens when Force URL server settings is on and/or off.nou nou wrote: Mon Sep 02, 2024 11:02 pm Working beautifully apart from one thing - my forum is installed in a subfolder of my domain (www.mysite.com/myforum) and third party extensions that generate notifications, like Thanks for Posts and others, deliver a path to the post that iswww.mysite.com/viewtopic.php...
instead ofwww.mysite.com/myforum/viewtopic...
In the forum's notification list in the navbar the links are all fine, just in the Push Notifications they are not.
I've redirected my way around it in the .htaccess, but any idea what may cause this?
Tested force settings on/off and no difference... Thank you though!
We can't reproduce any issues using Thanks for Posts.halil16 wrote: Mon Sep 02, 2024 11:13 pm I saw the same problem on the Like/Thanks notice. I found the solution in redirection. But I'm not sure why.
Code: Select all
"heading":"Testing Board",
"title":"tester_62 has thanked you for this post:",
Code: Select all
"heading":"Testing Board",
"title":"Private Message from tester_76:",
"text":"\"Blah blah blah\"",
Code: Select all
{"heading":"Test Board",
"title":"Test User has thanked you for this post:",
"text":"\"My Topic.\"",
Code: Select all
{"heading":"Test Board",
"title":"New topic by Test User:",
"text":"\"My Topic.\"",
Everything looks good to me. It should be behaving as expected on your site unless there's just something mysterious with in your Forum settings or you actual web server set up, like redirects or something???nou nou wrote: Sat Sep 07, 2024 11:48 am thanks for post:
new topic:Code: Select all
{"heading":"Test Board", "title":"Test User has thanked you for this post:", "text":"\"My Topic.\"", "url":".\/viewtopic.php?p=46129#p46129", "avatar":{"src":"https:\/\/www.mytestboard.com\/forumfolder\/download\/file.php?avatar=g2_1568531610.png"}}
Code: Select all
{"heading":"Test Board", "title":"New topic by Test User:", "text":"\"My Topic.\"", "url":".\/viewtopic.php?t=6892", "avatar":{"src":"https:\/\/www.mytestboard.com\/forumfolder\/download\/file.php?avatar=322_1724365068.jpg"}}
Code: Select all
return append_sid($this->phpbb_root_path . 'viewtopic.' . $this->php_ext, "p={$this->item_id}#p{$this->item_id}");
Code: Select all
return generate_board_url() . '/' . append_sid('viewtopic.' . $this->php_ext, "p={$this->item_id}#p{$this->item_id}");