phpBB 3.3.12 Release

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Name: Marc

phpBB 3.3.12 Release

Post by Marc »

Greetings everyone,

We are pleased to announce the release of phpBB 3.3.12 "Bertie: A phpBB Saga". This version is a maintenance release of the 3.3.x branch which introduces a number of improvements aimed at enhancing the user experience and overall stability of the software, resolves some issues noticed in previous releases, and introduces further security hardening.

In order to reduce the potential of accidentally submitting duplicate posts, we have added extra checks to the frontend and backend that should reduce this possibility in the future. The database queries that are used when searching for unanswered posts and topics have been improved to be faster and more efficient. Some further improvements include enhanced error messages with MySQL when using PHP 8.1 and newer as well as better compatibility with parsing of posts with PHP 8.3.

Reparsing of posts, which is performed when upgrading from previous minor versions of phpBB, will now treat URLs in posts based on the original post content and should no longer cause magic URLs to appear if they were not previously displayed. Additionally, issues with updating phpBB to the latest version should no longer be an issue when having removed the YouTube profile field.

As a means to further strengthen the security of phpBB, we have added additional safeguards against requesting a resend of the activation email too often and have resolved an issue that could cause cron jobs to not run as expected.

The full list of changes is available in the changelog file within the docs folder contained in the release package. You can find the key highlights of this release below and a list of all issues fixed on our tracker at

The packages can be downloaded from our downloads page.

The development team thanks everyone who contributed code to this release: rxu, Christian Schnegelberger, GanstaZ, Prosk8er, LukeWCS

If you have any questions or comments, we'll be happy to address them in the discussion topic.

- The phpBB Team
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Name: Marc

phpBB 3.3.12 Release - Release Highlights

Post by Marc »

Release highlights
  • Notable Improvements
    • Handling of multiple submitting of same post: PHPBB3-17077
    • Improved queries for unanswered topics and posts: PHPBB3-17305
    • Increase readability of error MySQL error messages in PHP 8.1+: PHPBB3-17232
  • Notable Changes
    • Update DOM handling in posts for better compatibility with PHP 8.3: PHPBB3-17236
  • Notable Bugfixes
    • Improve handling of web root path to support PHPBB_USE_BOARD_URL_PATH in extensions: PHPBB3-17207
    • Update issue when YouTube profilefield does not exist PHPBB3-17208
    • Prevent unexpected reparsing of URLs as magic URLs in posts: PHPBB3-17130
    • Missing update of user pass change time during password reset: PHPBB3-17302
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Location: Munich, Germany
Name: Marc

phpBB 3.3.12 Release - Event Changes

Post by Marc »

Event changes

PHP Events
  • None
Template Events
  • notification_dropdown_footer_after
    Prosilver Placement: notification_dropdown.html
    Added in Release: 3.3.12
    Explanation: Add content after notifications list footer.
  • notification_dropdown_footer_before
    Prosilver Placement: notification_dropdown.html
    Added in Release: 3.3.12
    Explanation: Add content before notifications list footer.
  • ucp_footer_content_after
    Prosilver Placement: ucp_footer.html
    Added in Release: 3.3.12-RC1
    Explanation: Add optional elements after tab panels content in UCP
  • ucp_header_content_before
    Prosilver Placement: ucp_header.html
    Added in Release: 3.3.12-RC1
    Explanation: Add optional elements before tab panels content in UCP
  • ucp_notifications_content_after
    Prosilver Placement: ucp_notifications.html
    Added in Release: 3.3.12-RC1
    Explanation: Add optional elements after UCP notification options tab content
  • ucp_notifications_content_before
    Prosilver Placement: ucp_notifications.html
    Added in Release: 3.3.12-RC1
    Explanation: Add optional elements before UCP notification options tab content
  • ucp_notifications_form_after
    Prosilver Placement: ucp_notifications.html
    Added in Release: 3.3.12-RC1
    Explanation: Add optional elements after HTMP form in UCP notification options tab
  • ucp_notifications_form_before
    Prosilver Placement: ucp_notifications.html
    Added in Release: 3.3.12-RC1
    Explanation: Add optional elements before HTMP form in UCP notificationoptions tab
  • viewtopic_body_online_list_after
    Prosilver Placement: viewtopic_body.html
    Added in Release: 3.3.12-RC1
    Explanation: Add content after the online users list

ACP Template Events
  • None

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