SeaMonkey Browser and This Platform

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SeaMonkey Browser and This Platform

Post by vfwgmg »

Yesterday I had an issue that required I redo the entire post, and today a different issue occurred, but it was of a different nature and the back button worked and then I could get on with business.

So I'd like to ask a loose question and if folks want specifics I am rather sure my data save system on this unit can provide very specific details of both events. Just that it will take an hour or so to dig up that info.

So the "loose question" is what sort of information do any of the staff here have about using Seamonkey on phpBB platforms, like right here?

I might add that I am aware of shortcomings Seamonkey has in certain interactions between it and a fair number of sites on the Net, but I guess I didn't know that to be the case between Seamonkey and a phpBB platform.

Feedback would be appreciated --- thank you.
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Re: SeaMonkey Browser and This Platform

Post by Lumpy Burgertushie »

not sure what seamonkey is but phpBB is a bulletin board software. it requires a server setup that runs php and has the ability to use a database such as mysql or postgres etc.

if you have those available to you and web space then you can run phpBB just fine.

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Re: SeaMonkey Browser and This Platform

Post by vfwgmg »

I must confess some surprise that you don't know about the Seamonkey Project, and in the topic title I did note the browser part of that project; BUT let me take this a bit further for you:
Web-browser, advanced e-mail, newsgroup and feed client, IRC chat, and HTML editing made simple—all your Internet needs in one application.
And an important point on the legal side:
Under the hood, SeaMonkey uses much of the same Mozilla Firefox source code which powers such products as Thunderbird. Legal backing is provided by the SeaMonkey Association (SeaMonkey e.V.).

EDIT: And this post I was better prepared and have the screenshots as events took place. When I hit "Preview" I was taken back to the login page. But the back button brought me to here. Now I'll see what happens when I try the "Submit" button.

EDIT #2: The "Submit" button is not working. I'll have to save this post to a notepad format and then copy it back after logging in again.

Guess I can now answer my own question, something isn't quite right when using the Seamonkey browser here on this site.
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Re: SeaMonkey Browser and This Platform

Post by Gumboots »

Never tried it myself, but apparently SeaMonkey has problems with a lot of sites. ... t/k5sspss/
Seamonkey is incompatible with new Reddit, it's probably incompatible with your bank, it doesn't work properly with the Microsoft portals, there are just a lot of websites that will not work because the rendering engine is so out of date.
Also, according to Wiki the SeaMonkey HTML editor still creates code to Transitional 4.01.
In 2024? Seriously?

It also seems to be falling behind on common features (e.g: no support for .webp images and only partial support for .svg). ... b_browsers

Sounds to me like it's obsolete as a browser.
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Re: SeaMonkey Browser and This Platform

Post by vfwgmg »

I appreciate your contribution to this discussion, Gumboots, but I ought to point out that I have already made note of the fact that the SeaMonkey browser is a problem on some other sites:
I might add that I am aware of shortcomings Seamonkey has in certain interactions between it and a fair number of sites on the Net, but I guess I didn't know that to be the case between Seamonkey and a phpBB platform.
And I also wish to point out that the topic is not how cool one browser or another may be on the Net as a whole, but how it interacts with this site. Or this software.

And I came on this site this time using the FireFox browser and I still had trouble doing a post in this thread a short time ago. And I have screenshots of that, too. And my data collection software for this unit will also provide specifics, as also it can with the Seamonkey browser.

So I was first simply trying to find out if any member, or staff here, knew about troubles between SeaMonkey and this software/platform; but now that question has to extend to FireFox.

BUT AGAIN, I'm not asking for opinions about any given browser, but asking how 'now' two browsers might have problems when used with this site or this software.
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Re: SeaMonkey Browser and This Platform

Post by GanstaZ »

I don't think that phpBB is tested on all available browsers that exist out there.
Based on my own experience.. I only test it and extensions on major (popular) browsers.

About issues that you mentioned.. If those are related to this site then there is a topic Website Feedback.
If you found a bug, then there is a tracker for that.
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Re: SeaMonkey Browser and This Platform

Post by danieltj »

vfwgmg wrote: Sun Jun 23, 2024 11:32 am BUT AGAIN, I'm not asking for opinions about any given browser, but asking how 'now' two browsers might have problems when used with this site or this software.
What are the actual errors you are encountering here? Are you getting errors in the browser console or is something else happening? Generally most browsers share the same underlying engine (like Chromium or WebKit etc) so an issue on one browser might be related to the browser engine rather than the specific browser alone.

It's hard to tell without knowing what errors you're actually seeing though.
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Re: SeaMonkey Browser and This Platform

Post by vfwgmg »

Yes, it is true that I need to put together a much better quality post of exactly what troubles I have had during the recent days I've returned here and have been posting. But that is going to take me an hour or so and I haven't yet found that time. One of my data collecting tools is mighty complicated and takes me way too long when I go after specific events with any of the browsers I may be using for any given reason. Certain browsers serve certain purposes, and the Seamonkey is one I use to get around Google's data collection system.

Anyway, I think I will set aside the necessary time today to get the details that are missing in this thread and keep it short enough to not bore anyone to sleep, but still provide a good picture of some of the weirdness I've been seeing.

But a hint might have shown up in the last post I just did before this one and again with the FireFox browser; it posted without any hitch. So this is the second time with the FireFox browser and that might indicate that a certain folder <AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Profiles\THIS ONE> --- that folder may now have data in it that allows for a smooth use of the browser with this platform. But that is just a guess.

Okay, I again got into way too much detail here for a simple answer, I'll get the details for all that may be interested. By the way, my ISP is a very reputable company in this nation, so it isn't that. And this nation I reside in is technically quite high on the list of good tech folks.
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Re: SeaMonkey Browser and This Platform

Post by vfwgmg »

Oh, by the way, have any of you noticed that my post count has remained at 9 since I returned a few days or so ago?

Don't get me wrong, I'm not at all complaining. I think that is mighty cute. I hope it stays at 9 for the remainder of what few years I have left.

But I do have to take that into account as I do the troubleshooting phase when I collect that data I need.

I'd say that post count got stuck due to an update of this site between the last time I was here many years ago and then returned very recently.

Staff, please don't fix that. If the rules allow for that to remain at 9.
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Re: SeaMonkey Browser and This Platform

Post by Gumboots »

vfwgmg wrote: Sun Jun 23, 2024 11:32 am I appreciate your contribution to this discussion, Gumboots, but I ought to point out that I have already made note of the fact that the SeaMonkey browser is a problem on some other sites:
I might add that I am aware of shortcomings Seamonkey has in certain interactions between it and a fair number of sites on the Net, but I guess I didn't know that to be the case between Seamonkey and a phpBB platform.
And I also wish to point out that the topic is not how cool one browser or another may be on the Net as a whole, but how it interacts with this site. Or this software.
My point was that you cannot expect continued support for obsolete browsers that have insignificant usage share stats. In practice, nobody will bother supporting them. Life's too short. So it's not surprising that you have had problems trying to use SeaMonkey here, nor is anyone likely to bother doing anything about that.

Firefox is another matter. If you find a repeatable bug with Firefox, the devs will probably want to fix it.
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Re: SeaMonkey Browser and This Platform

Post by Noxwizard »

vfwgmg wrote: Sun Jun 23, 2024 9:17 pm Oh, by the way, have any of you noticed that my post count has remained at 9 since I returned a few days or so ago?

Don't get me wrong, I'm not at all complaining. I think that is mighty cute. I hope it stays at 9 for the remainder of what few years I have left.

But I do have to take that into account as I do the troubleshooting phase when I collect that data I need.

I'd say that post count got stuck due to an update of this site between the last time I was here many years ago and then returned very recently.

Staff, please don't fix that. If the rules allow for that to remain at 9.
Post count incrementing is disabled for the General Discussion forum. It is not a bug.
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Re: SeaMonkey Browser and This Platform

Post by vfwgmg »

Thank you, Noxwizard. Either I forgot that, or didn't know. Too bad, too. I thought that was so cute. Guess I was hoping it would stay at that number. So "General Discussions" is sort of like the back alley, eh? That back alley is where all the intrigue takes place in them Hollywood films.

And Gumboots, I failed to address this in a timely manner. I had it on my mind after I read your first post in this thread and then forgot to include some information in my first response to you.

You keep referring to Seamonkey as obsolete, but maybe this could help you understand why that vocabulary might not quite fit:

Stable release: / 28 March 2024
Preview release:
2.53.18 Beta 1 / November 25, 2023

And I just did some poking around and it seems that Seamonkey does work just fine on some phpBB platforms, but as to which versions of phpBB I did not dig deep enough, as I am sort of squeezing this between two other Net tasks I have to deal with before I can get back to this for that extra detail post I need to do.

And, another thing, a customer/member (new member) to a phpBB site should in some manner be given early notice that a certain browser might work for logging into one's account and navigating around the community, but then act spooky when trying to post. It seems to me a sort of polite style of administration on a site. And that first impression situation, too.

A new member logs in and maybe is like me, an old fart, and writes a long first post, like maybe an introduction; and when she/he hits the "Submit" button the post disappears. I wouldn't wish for that to happen on any community platform. Especially one that maybe I was a support team member for. I really do view these sites as communities and real humans and so all sorts of politeness should be a part of the thought processes of the admin/mod team.

And I view that as even necessary for a support site, like here. There's a kind of trend on the Net that support communities are a kind of gift thing for a customer/member and polite styles don't need to be a part of the interaction between staff and customers/members. In fact, a lot of support staff members, especially on "free" software sites, don't like even using the vocabulary "customer".

UH OH! I am so lucky! I thought I'd have no trouble with the FireFox browser, but instinctively did a copy before hitting the "Submit" button. Guess what. Now FireFox is doing exactly the same thing to me as Seamonkey did. I just lost the post. Meaning, I'm using FireFox now. This is rather weird. Just a few hours ago this same unit and the same browser worked without a hitch. Talk about Hollywood. We're getting into "Glitch Drama".
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Re: SeaMonkey Browser and This Platform

Post by GanstaZ »

Guess I have to say it again:
GanstaZ wrote: Sun Jun 23, 2024 12:03 pm About issues that you mentioned.. If those are related to this site then there is a topic Website Feedback.
If you found a bug, then there is a tracker for that.
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Re: SeaMonkey Browser and This Platform

Post by vfwgmg »

GanstaZ wrote: Mon Jun 24, 2024 9:40 am Guess I have to say it again:
GanstaZ wrote: Sun Jun 23, 2024 12:03 pm About issues that you mentioned.. If those are related to this site then there is a topic Website Feedback.
If you found a bug, then there is a tracker for that.
I appreciate your extra effort here to make sure I am paying attention to advice being offerred. Thank you. But I did make note, in my files at this workstation, of your earlier post. Possibly I should have responded in a post here to you earlier.

But I think I remember that danieltj was requesting details right here in this topic, and I have yet to actually dig up all the tech data I need to go with the screenshots and then figure out the best way to outline what's happened.

Frankly, I'm not yet convinced this is a "bug" related to the board. It could be something at my end I haven't yet identified.

I thought I was going to be able to do the data gathering today, my time zone, but that hasn't worked out. Another Net task hit a nasty snag and we have a team on that and I needed to stay with their efforts out of professional courtesy. Well, I own the site, too.

Again, I do appreciate your extra effort, GanstaZ.
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Re: SeaMonkey Browser and This Platform

Post by thecoalman »

vfwgmg wrote: Sun Jun 23, 2024 11:32 am
And I came on this site this time using the FireFox browser....
I use Firefox and have no issues.
vfwgmg wrote: Sun Jun 23, 2024 9:09 pmthat might indicate that a certain folder <AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Profiles\THIS ONE> --- that folder may now have data in it that allows for a smooth use of the browser with this platform
That folder stores all your personal data; cookies, history, bookmarks, etc. It is most certainly going to be required for normal browser operations on any site.
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