Title/Job Description: Hide bbcode to certain user o group with Thanks for Post compatible
Target audience: Hobbyists
Reward: Money
Deadline: Never
Preferred contact method: PM and E-mail
Link to the board: https://netshadows.de/ombra/
Detailed description of the tasks:
I downloaded the extension at this link: https://github.com/ntvy95/hide and managed to make it compatible with PHPBB 3.3.12 on PHP 8.2.0. I have to say it works very well!
Since I'm not very familiar with extensions, but I understand a lot about php, I wanted if it was possible to include the "Thanks for Post" option at this link https://github.com/rxu/thanks_for_posts and make sure that instead of making the Posts visible to certain Groups, to hide Posts to certain Groups until they respond to the author's Post or Thank the author
I downloaded the "marcovo" extension at this link: https://github.com/marcovo/phpbb_hidebbcode but it's too complicated for me!!
If anyone can carry out this project they will be rewarded. Contact me in PVT or send me an email to agree on the price.
Below is the link to the Hide extension that I modified and works on phpbb 3.3.12:
Hide Extension of ntvy95
Best Regards