Code: Select all
$dims = mysqli_query($db,"SELECT pf_tankdim FROM phpbb_profile_fields_data WHERE user_id=".$UserID);
$dim = mysqli_fetch_assoc($dims);
$TankDim = $dim['pf_tankdim'];
$TankDim = preg_replace("/\D+/", ':',$TankDim); // Remplace les non-digits consécutifs par :
$Dim3 = array_pad(explode(":",$TankDim),3,"0");
$Vol = $Dim3[0] * $Dim3[1] * $Dim[2] / 1000;
$upd = mysqli_query($db,"UPDATE phpbb_profile_fields_data SET `pf_autovol`='".$Vol."' WHERE user_id=".$UserID);
event which is run just before the profile information is saved to the database. You can update the relevant profile field during that event before it's saved to the database.ucp_profile.php
on line 400.Code: Select all
* Modify profile data in UCP before submitting to the database
* @event core.ucp_profile_info_modify_sql_ary
* @var array cp_data Array with the user custom profile fields data
* @var array data Array with user profile data
* @var array sql_ary user options data we update
* @since 3.1.4-RC1
$vars = array('cp_data', 'data', 'sql_ary');
extract($phpbb_dispatcher->trigger_event('core.ucp_profile_info_modify_sql_ary', compact($vars)));
to see the contents of the variables.exit;
after dumping the array. e.g.Code: Select all
// Your code
gives for instance$cp_data["pf_autovol"] = $Vol;
$vars = array('cp_data', 'data', 'sql_ary');
Code: Select all
$TankDim = preg_replace("/\D+/", ':',$cp_data['pf_tankdim']); // Replace consecutive non-digits by ":"
$Dim = array_pad(explode(":",$TankDim),3,"0");
$TankVol = round((int)$Dim[0]*(int)$Dim[1]*(int)$Dim[2]/1000);
($TankVol == 0) ? $TankVol = "?" : $TankVol = $TankVol." litres"; // (Condition) ? true : false
$cp_data["pf_autovol"] = $TankVol;
$vars = array('cp_data', 'data', 'sql_ary');
. Check out the build_insert_sql_array()
function in that file (lines 535 - 568).Code: Select all
* Modify profile data in UCP before submitting to the database
* @event core.ucp_profile_info_modify_sql_ary
* @var array cp_data Array with the user custom profile fields data
* @var array data Array with user profile data
* @var array sql_ary user options data we update
* @since 3.1.4-RC1
$vars = array('cp_data', 'data', 'sql_ary');
extract($phpbb_dispatcher->trigger_event('core.ucp_profile_info_modify_sql_ary', compact($vars)));
No not danieltj: viewtopic.php?p=16021867#p16021867