Delete Inactive Members

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Extensions Robot
Extensions Robot
Extensions Robot
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Delete Inactive Members

Post by Extensions Robot »

Extension name: Delete Inactive Members
Author: Mike-on-Tour
Extension description: This extension lets the administrator automatically delete any users who have neither activated their account (inactive) nor visited the site after activation (sleepers) nor posted anything (zeroposters).
In the ACP the administrator can select the number of days since registration after which the approbriate users will be deleted. Protection from deletion can be defined for single users by identifying them by their username or for groups in which users are a member, these groups must be the default group of the users to be protected.
With a "Test" button you can check whether your selected settings accomplish your intentions. After clicking it a new window will open displaying a table with all users corresponding to the settings.
Users are getting deleted by a cron job which intervals between two runs can be defined within the ACP for either hours or days. With each run the cron job handles a maximum of 1,000 users to prevent a heavy load on the database. So if you have a big number of users which are either inactive, sleepers or zeroposters it would be best to run the cron job every hour or so to get rid of a large chunk of users in a short period of time. After cleaning the database you might want to set the interval to one or even more days.

Warning: This extension deletes the users selected by the settings without further warning after enabling it on its ACP settings page. This can inadvertently affect users you might want to keep if you do not pay attention to the settings you choose. Handle this extenson with care! Use it at your own risk!
Extension version: 1.1.0
Tested on phpBB version: 3.3.13

Download file:
File size: 32.83 KiB

Extension overview page: View

Except where otherwise noted, the phpBB Team is not responsible nor required to provide support for this extension. By installing this extension, you acknowledge that the phpBB Support Team or phpBB Extension Customisations Team may not be able to provide support.

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Last edited by Extensions Robot on Wed Nov 20, 2024 5:13 pm, edited 2 times in total.
(this is a non-active account manager for the phpBB Extension Customisations Team)
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Name: Paul Sohier

Re: Delete Inactive Members

Post by Paul »

Extension validated/released
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Name: Paul Sohier

Re: Delete Inactive Members

Post by Paul »

Extension Updated to version 1.1.0
See first post for Download Link

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