Title/Job Description:
Phpbb 3.0.14 Style update
Target audience: (e.g. professionals, hobbyists, students)
Reward: (e. g. money, backlinks, fame)
Money (i can not afford more than 35-40 USD)
1-6 Months
Preferred contact method: (e.g. PM, e-mail)
PM or Mail
Link to the board:
Detailed description of the tasks:
my phpbb 3.0.14 style needs to be updated phpbb 3.3.x
how much will it cost me?
User Matti had made a example in this post viewtopic.php?p=15409171#p15409171
and the green it looks just i wanted, but i can not get in touch with matti,
and i am a total noob to graphics.