Sorry about the delay in responding.
At the time I made that post I was not giving bulletproof instructions for beginners. It was just a shorthand illustration of the concept, for people who were more experienced with template coding.
<dd class="profile-inbox">
was one of my experimental additions to the template, since the functionality I was adding was not something that was in default. Your problems are due to the fact that the complete markup for that dd does not exist in your template, so apart from anything else the
{% endif %}
closing tag for the initial
{% if
does not exist either. This will give you a white page.
The complete code for that dd ended up as follows (and yes, I changed the dd class name).
Code: Select all
{% set currentUserId = CURRENT_USERNAME_FULL | trim('<a href="./memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=') | split('"')[0] %}
{% if S_REGISTERED_USER and S_DISPLAY_PM and (postrow.POSTER_ID is same as currentUserId) %}
<dd class="profile-contact">
<a href="{{ U_PRIVATEMSGS }}" title="{L_PRIVATE_MESSAGES}">
<i class="icon fa-inbox fa-fw" aria-hidden="true"></i>
<span class="sr-only">{L_PRIVATE_MESSAGES}</span>
<strong>{L_PM}{% if PRIVATE_MESSAGE_COUNT %}{L_COLON} [{{ PRIVATE_MESSAGE_COUNT }}]{% endif %}</strong>
{% elseif not S_IS_BOT and %}
<dd class="profile-contact">
<!-- BEGIN contact -->
<a href="{% if %} {} {% else %} {postrow.U_POST_AUTHOR} {% endif %}" title="{}">
<strong aria-hidden="true"><i class="icon fa-commenting-o"></i> {L_CONTACT}</strong>
<span class="sr-only">{}</span>
<!-- END contact -->
{% endif %}
Do note that this was written for my own preferences, and may change some things you do not want changed. For example, it simplifies the contact options for other members' post profiles, because PM is the only one used on the site I run.