Attachment/Private Message Permissions By Group

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Attachment/Private Message Permissions By Group

Post by MrKibblezWorth »

Is there any mods or could a mod be developed to put a limit on attachment uploads and private messages given based on the permissions of a group.

Basically the groups would override the Global settings by allowing what ever group the user in to have a bigger set limit.

Attachments -
Maximum number of attachments per post: 3
Maximum file size messaging: 256Kb
Maximum file size: 256Kb

Private Messages -
Maximum private message folders: 4
Maximum private messages per box: 25

Attachments -
Maximum number of attachments per post: 10
Maximum file size messaging: 1Mb
Maximum file size: 764Kb

Private Messages -
Maximum private message folders: 8
Maximum private messages per box: 100

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