Need help writing regex to clear all translated strings in files

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Need help writing regex to clear all translated strings in files

Post by scootergrisen »

Can someone help me write a regex that I can use (In Notepad++) to search/replace all strings in the translations files so they are removed.

So that I end up with files that just have the PHP code but the values (translation strings) are empty.


Code: Select all

	'A'		=> 'One line of text'
	'B'		=> 'Some
    with newlines'
	'C'		=> 'Some text with \' that also needs to work'
	'D'		=> 'More text'

Code: Select all

	'A'		=> ''
	'B'		=> ''
	'C'		=> ''
	'D'		=> ''
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Re: Need help writing regex to clear all translated strings in files

Post by Kailey »

Under the Replace tab:

Find what:

Code: Select all

=> '(?:[^\\']|\\\\|\\')*'
Replace with:

Code: Select all

=> ''

Make sure you check the radio button for Regular expression.
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Re: Need help writing regex to clear all translated strings in files

Post by scootergrisen »

Thanks that helped a lot.
How are you able to figure out how to write that?
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Re: Need help writing regex to clear all translated strings in files

Post by scootergrisen »

The regex is fine.
But in case you want to improve it there is a few strings that it don't work for.

Where there is an inline comment with a '.

And there is one with $lang['CLI_DESCRIPTION_CRON_RUN'].

Code: Select all

		0	=> '', // zero means no limit, so we don't view a message here.

	'CLI_HELP_CRON_RUN'			=> $lang['CLI_DESCRIPTION_CRON_RUN'] . ' Optionally you can specify a cron task name to run only the specified cron task.',
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Re: Need help writing regex to clear all translated strings in files

Post by Kailey »

scootergrisen wrote: Tue Sep 10, 2024 11:12 am But in case you want to improve it there is a few strings that it don't work for.

Where there is an inline comment with a '.
It should be fine. The regex is based off on this line that you provided in your original post:

Code: Select all

'C'		=> 'Some text with \' that also needs to work'
Edit: Try this one:

Code: Select all

=> ((?:[^\'\\\\]|\\\\\')*)\'/m
scootergrisen wrote: Tue Sep 10, 2024 11:12 am And there is one with $lang['CLI_DESCRIPTION_CRON_RUN'].

Code: Select all

		0	=> '', // zero means no limit, so we don't view a message here.

	'CLI_HELP_CRON_RUN'			=> $lang['CLI_DESCRIPTION_CRON_RUN'] . ' Optionally you can specify a cron task name to run only the specified cron task.',
I don't think there's anything I can do about that one.
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